Studio Sessions Pt 1 - WM ⚠️

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The magenta paper with brand new tabs stared you back in the face as you contemplated your next move. The diner you worked at nightly was not enough to help pay for your expenses such as school books and even tuition. You needed another income and why not start there; the bulletin board slathered in advertisements and job positions. Sure it was cliche. But at this point what choice did you have? There were all sorts of options to choose from, dog walking, baby sitting, tutoring; the works. You'd done them all over the years, saving every penny desperately wanting to attend your dream school. And now that you were there, you needed to keep it that way.

"Thinking of becoming an art department model?" A raspy voice asked from behind you.

You jumped in place, having assumed you were alone the entire time. Just you and the crowded bulletin board of new possibilities and dreams. "Uh... maybe?"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you! Wanda by the way. I just finished posting most of the flyers," she said, gesturing to the few she had left tucked beneath her arm. "You should contact the head of the department if you're interested. She's fantastic! And you get paid per session-" Wanda looked you up and down and she smirked. "You could totally do it."

"Do what?"

"Be a portfolio model, silly!" Wanda said, nudging you with her elbow. Heat creeped into your face, slightly embarrassed at her assessment.

"Uhh.. thank you?"

"You're so welcome. See you soon!"

You watched Wanda walk out the main doors of the lobby and were left flabbergasted at her bold assumption. 'See you soon', she'd said. As much as you didn't want to hear an "I told you so," you really needed the money. You gave the department head a call and set up your first modeling session for Thursday. That gave you plenty of time to stress and be slightly anxious and possibly change your mind.

That evening before the big day, you laid in bed trying to weigh the pros and cons of actually taking this position. Surely you weren't going to be the only person they were setting up for the modeling gig and the pay was subsequently better than the few bucks a night at the diner; though you'd never quit, Shirley made your evenings better and it was a nice escape from the loneliness of your single dorm. Plus she allowed you to complete your homework and assignments in between the evening rushes. What could possibly go wrong? All you had to do was sit completely still for about 90 minutes a session and it seemed like you'd get to see Wanda again; solely based on your first interaction with her in the lobby of your dorm building. And who could complain about that?

Your thoughts were correct, Wanda sat front and center in the studio; awaiting your arrival patiently. You were in fact early thanks to your nerves and honest to goodness adrenaline. The small room was clearly meant for a one on one session, seemingly branching off from the main art classrooms. The studio was messy; with paint tubes and brushes everywhere, the stainless steel sink even covered in paint from years of use, the mess only adding to the charm. The windows were close to the high ceilings, allowing light to filter in along with some lamps, avoiding the fluorescent lights all together. You looked up and noticed you could hardly see the actual ceiling, which was just a bunch of exposed beams and pipes it seemed but there were lots of overgrown plants hanging from the beams, pots and planters that had been hung over the years just adding to the collection as students moved through their studies here. Blank canvases of every size lined the floors, leaning up against the wall, just waiting to be covered in art.

"Hi there," Wanda said, smiling sweetly and breaking your trance about the room. "Ready to start?"

"Um.. well, no one has actually explained what I am to do here?" You looked down and shuffled your feet a little. Your nerves were starting to get the best of you and you began wringing your hands behind your back, a nervous habit you'd picked up in middle school that had stuck with you after all these years.

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