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You mean everything to me.

I never imagined that a simple bike ride around our neighborhood would lead to a friendship that would last a lifetime. But that's exactly what happened the day I met Alex Albon.

It was a hot summer afternoon, and I was trying to master riding my new bike without training wheels. My determination was fierce, but my coordination was lacking. That's when Alex, with his messy brown hair and mischievous grin, zoomed past me on his own bike, effortlessly gliding down the street like he was born on two wheels.

"Need a hand?" he called out, skidding to a stop in front of me.

I nodded eagerly, grateful for the offer of assistance. Little did I know, that simple interaction would mark the beginning of an unforgettable friendship.

From that day on, Alex and I were inseparable. We spent endless summer days exploring the woods behind our neighborhood, building forts out of fallen branches and pretending to be adventurers on a quest for hidden treasure.

We'd spend hours playing video games in his basement, arguing over who was the better player and laughing until our stomachs hurt. And when it rained, we'd create elaborate obstacle courses in his living room, using pillows and blankets to construct forts and tunnels, always pushing each other to go faster and be braver.

As we grew older, our adventures only became more epic. We navigated the awkwardness of middle school together, surviving braces, acne, and the dreaded group projects. Alex was always there to make me laugh when I felt like crying, to offer a shoulder to lean on when the weight of the world felt too heavy.

High school brought its own set of challenges, but nothing could shake the bond between Alex and me. We tackled exams and extracurriculars side by side, cheering each other on through triumphs and setbacks. And through it all, our friendship remained as strong as ever, a constant source of support and comfort in a world that seemed determined to keep us on our toes.

But when we turned sixteen, everything changed. Alex's passion for racing took center stage, and he set his sights on a career in Formula 1. Suddenly, our carefree days of hanging out became few and far between as he embarked on a rigorous training regime.

Despite the distance, we made sure to keep our friendship alive. We'd chat online for hours, sharing updates about our lives and reminiscing about the good old days. And whenever Alex was in town for a race, we'd make sure to carve out time for a quick catch-up over coffee or a late-night drive through our old stomping grounds.

Now, at twenty-six, Alex has made it to the big leagues. He's living his dream as a Formula 1 driver, jetting off to exotic locations and rubbing shoulders with the elite of the racing world. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I'm currently sitting on a plane, nervously fidgeting with the hem of my sweater. My heart races with excitement and anticipation as I glance out the window, watching fluffy clouds drift lazily by. I'm on my way to Spain, a spontaneous decision sparked by a crazy idea and fueled by the undeniable urge to see Alex.

It's been too long since we last saw each other in person. Sure, we keep in touch through texts and video calls, but it's just not the same as being face-to-face. And with Alex's hectic schedule as a Formula 1 driver, finding time to meet up has become increasingly difficult.

But I'm determined to change that.

I reached out to Alex's parents, who were more than happy to help orchestrate my surprise visit. They promised to keep my secret safe and even offered to pick me up from the airport. It's moments like these that remind me just how lucky I am to have such amazing friends—and surrogate family members—like them in my life.

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