Chapter 2

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TRIGGER WARNING- Drug use, alcohol use

I headed down to the beach and got there just for 8 o'clock

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I headed down to the beach and got there just for 8 o'clock. There was already a large mass of people and I smiled. I missed this so much.

The sand seeped through my toes as I made my way down to the bonfire. Sarah screamed and came running at me with open arms. We embraced each other for a minute, tears flooding down our faces. "Wow am I happy to see you," I smiled. She smiled back but furrowed her brows when she saw the stitches on my eyebrow. "I swear that ma-" she scolded before I cut her off. "Just leave it Sarah, I did it surfing back in Jacksonville yeh?" I looked at her with pleading eyes. She nodded and stroked my cheek. Sarah then grabbed my hand and we joined the others.

"Eli oh how I've missed you so much!" Kiara beamed wrapping me in a tight squeeze. "Yeh girl we sure have needed you!" JJ announced. JJ, Kiara, Pope and John B all wrapped me tightly in their arms and we stayed like that for what felt like hours. JJ threw me a beer and I shouted "let's get this party started then bitches!"

An hour or so had passed and we were all pretty tipsy. Laughing about the gold old times like when JJ found a gun and thought it would be funny to bring it to our beach party and nearly shooting Topper in the head with it. The asshole did deserve it, nearly.

As we laughed and joked round the fire we saw a group heading towards us. "Great can the kooks not just leave us alone for 5 fucking minutes," John B scoffed.

Rafe's P.O.V

"Dude is that Eliana Florence sat there? I didn't know she was coming back to OBX!" Kelce laughed with Topper. I turn round and saw them giggling. Piss heads. "Man she has gotten hot!" Topped laughed. "What the fuck are yous two talking about," I questioned. "Over there sat next to Sarah, it's Eli!" They pointed. I turned back and as I did there she was.

She had gotten so much prettier since I last saw her. He long flowing dark brown hair and tan that she seemed to always have no matter the season. We never got along but I always had some sort of feeling towards her. To see her now brought that feeling back. I didn't know what it was.

As we approached the fire Sarah got up off a log. "Rafe what the fuck are you doing here?" She pushed my chest. "Woah woah calm down princess we just wanna have some fun," I slurred. We were already wasted and high not to mention. Eli was staring at me and not an inch of emotion left her face. I saw her let out a slight smile but when the wind blew I noticed a cut on her eyebrow and bruising on her jaw. I looked at her in confusion before she quickly glanced away.

Eliana's P.O.V

I saw Rafe staring at me. God damn he looked so different. He still have his long locks of hair and toned physique. Hot. His jawline looked more chiselled and he must have grown around 4 inches. He looked at me in confusion when I realised what he was staring at. The god damn fucking cut and bruising. I quickly turned away and faced JJ. He mouthed "are you okay?" I quickly nodded and sipped my beer. "Fine you can join but sit as far away as possible and no shit tonight Rafe, it's Eli's first night home!" Sarah demanded. Rafe backed away with his hands up to his group of friends.

It was now around 12 o'clock and the music had gotten way louder and the drinks were flowing. I was wasted I couldn't even walk in a straight line. "Im going to the bathroom!" I shouted to Sarah. "WHAT?" She couldn't hear me as the speaker was next to her and John B. "I SAID IM GOING-Pfft never mind" I chuckled as she resumed her make out session with John B.

I stumbled my way over to the cubicle to use the toilet. My vision was blurry. I took out the bag of coke I stole from my Dad earlier and placed some onto the back of my hand. I sniffed the line and carried on walking. Wow that felt euphoric!

I noticed the door was locked as the amount of times I tried yanking the handle I'm surprised the door didn't come off its hinges. I heard someone sniff loudly and the door unlocked. "Fucking finally," I let out as I stumble into a large presence. I look up and see his piercing blue eyes staring down at me.

"Watch where you're going princess!" He smirked.

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