No Control

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Niall leg bounced the first time they were playing No Control. To say hi was nervous was an understatement.
Liam walked by and ran a hand on Niall's back calming his nerves.
No Control was going well. Since Zayn left niall took over his part. And it was coming up. Niall's throat was already killing him but right when it was time he opened his mouth
Lost my senses
I'm defenseless
Her perfume's holding me ransom
Sweet and sour
Heart devoured
Lying here I count the hours
Liam's face was in a smile. One of his smiles that reached his eyes. He knew Niall was good when it came to singing but shit it sounded better than Zayn singing it. It also turned him on ..... alot.
After the concert Liam gave niall a smile hugging him like the bear he is as he led him to their hotel room for some 'fun.'

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