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Claire's hand trembled as she hung up. Her baby. Her little baby.
there it is
Claire it is
As you feared
She stared at the picture of him on her phone.
All these years of wonder
Their closure draws near

A quiet kind of distance
A word I would not touch
Her eyes were wet as she set her phone down going to the wall where baby pictures of niall were.
Did I ever know my son at all?
Well now I know too much

But where was the warning?
How can this be?

I guess there are somethings
We don't want to see.

Where was the warning
To know this was coming?

Now what do I do with
This news find numbing

Where was the warning,
Where was the warning?
She then went to the mirror her hand wiped her eyes in the mirror a vision showed of baby Niall and Claire her cradling him.
And what if I liked the song I heard before,
The one I sang when my boy was born
All the dreams I had for him
They fade away, lost in words I cannot say.
Her eyes closed as her hands were out tears were flowing now.
I wish that I could hold him, God,
He's all alaone and scared.
I should be there for him, I love him so
But I am not repaid,
Then she remember his father oh god how would she tell him.
And where was the warning?
His father will die
How do I tell him? He can't see me cry
Then what if the church found out all those people pitying her. She didn't want that she wanted her baby.
Where was the warning?
Don't tell anyone.
I don't want their pity.

I just want ,,, my son.
She then went back to her phone looking at Niall's contact her finger above the call button.
It's happened, it's happened,
And life is so strange
One simple word
And the whole world has changed
Could this really be my child?
My firstborne, my child.
Playing in his cradle, so tender and mild...

But she shook her head putting the phone down and sat down on the couch.

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