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Based off the finale of Cabaret

As Liam sat at the train station he thought of Niall and they fight they had and him getting jumped by the nazis.

"There was a cabaret and there was a master of ceremonies and there was a city called Berlin in a country called Germany it was the end of the world. And I was dancing with Niall Horan and we were both fast asleep. "

Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome,

Fremde, etranger, stranger.

Louis dress in boots shorts and straps over his naked chest came out of the air he grin at Liam and rub his hand on Liam face but Liam jerked away

Glucklich zu sehen,

Je suis enchante,

Happy to see you.

Liam sighed and got up leaving to Paris Louis had his hand out to stop him but he grined and said forget him.

Bleibe, reste, stay

Louis grinned as the music played then his head jerked and he looked at the readers waving his hand

"Meine Damen und Herren?Mesdames et Messieurs?Ladies and Gentlemen.

Where are your troubles now? Forgotten? I told you so! We have no troubles here. As he said this, he said here like the word was poison anger crossed his face but it was quickly erased as he smirked again.

Here life is beautiful?the girls are beautiful?even the orchestra is beautiful."

The music picked up but more in a haunting tone a single note build up as the other music faded out until only the note and rumbling were heard. But then that too died out and Louis kept his glare on the readers "Auf wiedersehen!

A bientot!" He smirked at the readers and waggled his eyebrows removing his coat revealing a concentration camp outfit with a red star yellow star and pink triangle. A look of pain crossed Louis as he took his coat off suddenly the background changed from the train stop to a concentration camp. Zayn, Harry and Niall were all naked as the huddled together in the small room. Zayn being the oldest tried to calm the other two down as white snow like things fell. Everyone in the room starting coughing and Louis stood perfectly still still staring at the readers as a drum roll build up. Louis turned around slowly and when the cymbal crash he  jerked like he was being electrocuted and the whole screen twitched and flickered out.
Sorry about the different languages German and French are used in this. So if you speak German or French help your fellow directioners. :) Sorry if it's to warp for you to handle

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