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People call Niall boring but I honestly think he's incredibly smart. There's barely any drama around him. He knows how to stay in the positive part of the pap. He uses his head more than the others well actually harry does too. Both of them don't really do stupid shit or Atleast where they can get negative feedback. During the lilo pinata thing you see Niall and Harry didn't join in. I'm not saying lilo are dumb I'm just saying sometimes they don't use they're head. Louis all that feud on twitter not the best thing to do its funny of course but not really smart. Liam isn't as bad as Louis he has his moments but it's not as bad. Anyways this has been in my brain for a bit and I needed to write it down. I'm not against liam or louis I just wish sometimes they would use their head more often. Oh and the prompts will get done I'm sorry for taking so long.

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