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Niall stood there backstage his mind racing as he prepared for the school play. And soon enough it was time to go on stage. But as he reached for the door. "Ni?" Liam said softly. Niall turned his head to his ex lover Liam's face was in pain as he looked at Niall.
Liam: Do you remember
that day that you met me?
I swear it was yesterday, I knew with a glance.
That you were the question,
and you were the answer.
That the world would make sense again if I held your hand.
Someday you'll look back, and I hope you'll remember
the moment of truth when I knew who I was.
How did I learn the truth you gave to me?

Niall: I will always remember
that first stolen moment.
There you were kissing me, and time seemed to freeze.
Now I stand at a crossroad,
and I stare at a question...
If prayer were the answer, I'd fall on my knees.

But forward is calling, and I cannot stay here.
A parting of souls as I try to move on.
How do I forget the dream you shared with me?
The came to each other holding each others hands singing softly to each other.
I've never been this bare/I've never been so scared.
I've never felt such honesty/Doubts that will never go away.
A moment of such peace/Each of us standing bare.
Knowing what you mean to me/Knowing who we have to be.

Liam: Know as you hold my hand
Niall: I hope and pray that you'll understand
Liam: Forever you and ...
Liam/Niall: I know you're here in my heart.
Liam: Please understand that I tried
Niall: Try to see it's not goodbye.
Niall gave him a grin wanting him to realize that they still had a chance in the future.
Niall : The act is beginning,
The audience waiting...
Niall pulled away as he went to go on stage but Liam pulled him back his face screamed sadness.
Liam: NO! Stay in this moment where secrets reveal.
Here in a world where there's safety in falsehood, I have discovered the one thing that's real.
That I love you, and I've loved you from the start.
And if you hold that close to you we'll never be apart.

Niall: That I loved you
Liam: Please know I loved you

Liam/Niall: From the start...
They kissed as hard as they could holding each other tightly.

I love this musical both acts are on YouTube. It's a very beautiful story and sad.

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