All Grown Up

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Ivy sat on the ground speaking to her softly. Nadia rolled her eyes grabbing some stuff.

If you say so...
I can't believe you missed rehearsal again, y'know,
It isn't all about you!
It affects the rest of us, what you do
Look, what is wrong with you?


What, did my brother break your heart ? Huh ?
'Cause it sure broke mine when I found out he was seeing you.
Poor Ivy, stuck wanting the one thing she can't have

You think you know me...
Ivy shook her head staring st the ground.
Yeah, you know what?
I am so sick of you moping around when you've had
The world handed to you because you're pretty
I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat
Nadia said so angry at her because she was never called fat.
Remember back in 7th grade
Endless games of truth or dare
Double dates to Shay's arcades
When I close my eyes I'm there
I think my mother took this picture
Back when were all just friends
Memories that fade and flicker
Burn again when I pretend

Did you sleep with her ?
Niall said softly as the went to Liam's dorm stopping for kisses in between.
Liam said pulling him along in the room closing the door.
Life is short and life is strange
Trouble now and troubled past
Times have changed they rearrange
And little girls grow up so fast
Feel it how it grows inside me
Swirling ball of anguished cries
Haunted daunted so unwanted
Feel its anger in me rise
Ivy screamed throwing pictures as she wiped her eyes as Nadia stared at her.
Dream a dream then dash another,
Life is there to interrupt
Someone out there call me mother
Look at me, Mom, all grown up

All the tears she scrimped and saved
Now of course it comes to this
If only Ivy had behaved
Or learned to stop at just a kiss
It hits me paralyzing shudder
Face the music take a bow
Just another unwed mother
One more sad statistic now
Ivy stopped wiping her eyes as she cried her heart out to Nadia. She was tired and confused not knowing what to do with this.
Dream a dream then dash another
Life is there to interrupt
Someone out there call my mother
Look at me, I'm all grown up
Look at me, I'm all grown up

Little lies and big decisions
Who to tell and where to go?
Follow someone else's vision
Or trust my own 'cause I don't know
Am I suppose to love this child?
Is it just that simple then?
Tell me how this change will happen
Tell me how and tell me when
Tell me how and tell me when
She began to throw things keeping her gaze on Nadia wanting her to realize she isn't so lucky as she thinks.
Dream a dream and dash another
Life is there to interrupt
Someone out there tell my mother
Look at me, I'm all grown up
She sat back on the ground her the room was trashed and her cheeks were red from anger.
Story ends in total damage
It's an unforgiving world
Seventeen, how will I manage?
How can I? I'm just a girl.
Nadia took her hand rubbing hee back as she took her out the trashed room.

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