No Voice

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Well this is the last part of the bare series. My all time favourite song I love this song. This is the finale after Absolution.
It was graduation. Niall felt awful he's been crying for weeks straight. Liam was gone. Taken from him. He was now force to live a life without him.
Nadia's eye were red as she gripped his hat she made sure to leave a chair for Liam right by here.
Dear Liam, there will be tears today
But we'll get through and you'll be there
I'll leave a chair for you, you made it too
You held your mystery so close
But I knew, I knew your way
Never found the words to say
Always thought we'd talk one day
Ivy clutched her stomach. She had a child Liam's child. A child without a father she felt heartbreak because she loved Liam even though he didn't love her.
Dear Liam, you can't begin to know
The pain you've caused
How do I make sense of what I've gained
And what I lost?
What a mess, a perfect mess
Left alone to sort it out
In the sorrow, guilt, and rage
I keep coming back to doubt
Zayn got to do his speech since Liam died. But instead of having anything Zayn wiped his eyes as he babbled about Liam.
I'd like to start with just a...
If we could take a moment...
If maybe we were silent...
Or we had spoken...
I tried to find the words to...
Just the right quotation...
But I must confess I came up empty

You alone the Lord most holy
You alone the Lord most high
Hear us now, steer our hearts
And grant our prayers
We bare them in Your name
Make us one with all, God, in Your name
Niall stared at Liam's empty chair. Where an apparition of Liam sat. Liam turned to Niall and waved sadly Niall stared back asking him how something so simple became this. And should he have just stayed in secret. Liam didn't answer he but he did mouth I love you making Niall cry even more as he got sympathetic pats from classmates since everyone knew about them.

Dear Liam, how did a simple love get complicated?
Days crawl by, I ask myself again
Should I have waited?
In a world that's quick to judge
I will try to understand
It's so hard to find your way
When you have no voice to guide you

As Nadia put a picture of Liam up at the table Niall grabbed his diploma and the knelt at the picture caressing it. As he turned to leave he saw his mother standing there with her arms wide and he ran into them crying along with her.

No voice, no sound
No sound, no words
No words, no songs
No songs, no heart
One heart, one love
One love, one life
One life, one truth
One truth, one life
One voice!
The end. I'm thinking about a character ask for this but I dunno.

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