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So I've now seen Bare Pop Opera and Bare The Musical. Bare the musical was so horrible I hated the whole thing. First Jason he became a huge douchebag. In the opera he has some bad moments but he doesn't treat peter as horrible as musical jason. Second the music the lyric changes and then cutting out songs. Then jason singing Role of a lifetime that song is meant for peter not him peter. Cutting out Peter's mom wtf! Warning and see me are key points of the frigging story key points. Sister Joan no just no. The fucking white washed Sister Chantelle a role who stole the show because she was amazing. Ivy I never liked Ivy but in the opera I didn't hate her because she didn't know about Jason and Peter. In the musical she's dating matt and then cheats on him that just made me hate her alot more. This musical was trash they took a beautiful pop opera and trashed it. I'm am fuming but I'm going to watch the opera and stick with the opera. I dont want to see this live if it's going to be the musical bring back the opera.

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