Episode 1:Origin Of Miles Morales

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It was Monday morning, Miles was scribbling his notebook cover with red and yellow highlighters, humming "I'm Ready by Jaden". A few minutes later, Miles heard a loud voice coming from his bedroom door.

"Miles! Miles! Miles! Are you done packing? Or else we're gonna be late!" His dad, Jeff shouted while standing in front of his bedroom door.

"Yes, Dad!" Miles replied and his eyes glued to his notebook cover.

"Come on! You're a grown-up man now! Show the teacher who you are!" Jeff continued.

After hearing his dad's voice, Miles packed his schoolbag quickly. He wore a red and black hoodie with black jeans. Miles opened his bedroom door and his noisy parents were rushing for their work. Miles dashed to the kitchen and took one big bite of an egg sandwich.

"Miles, we gotta go!" Rio yelled behind Miles.

"W-wait in a---" Miles talking with his full mouth as he was trying to finish chewing the sandwich.

A few minutes later, Miles and Rio stepped outside of their house. Rio kissed on his cheek.

"See you tonight. Stay safe!" Rio waved at Miles.

"See you, Mom!" Miles waved at her back and walked across the street.

(My name is Miles Morales and I'm going to meet new faces in my new school.)

Miles walked to the entrance and tried his best to greet people. However, they rolled their eyes at him.

(Well, I just it's hard to make new friends in a new environment, huh? I find class so boring.)

When the teacher teaches the students monotonously, Miles's eyes feel heavy.

(I mean every day it feels like the school is giving me a hard time.)

Miles rushed and carried slacks of books to his locker continuously.

"You're late again, young man..." One of his teachers frowned at him.

"Seriously? An "F"? Yeah, I don't belong in this school..." Miles' eyes were widened.

"Maybe, you don't even know what your goals are. "Another teacher suggested.

(She's kinda right about me. I don't even know myself well. I wanted to become an artist just like my uncle but my parents are against it. Speaking of Uncle Aaron, I wanna visit him because I haven't seen him for so long.)

One day, after school, Miles dashed to Uncle Aaron's apartment. He knocked on his door and Uncle Aaron opened it. Miles hugged him.

"It's great to see you, Miles!" Uncle Aaron said gleefully.

"I miss you so much!" Miles exclaimed.

Miles sat on the couch while Uncle Aaron was bringing food for Miles from his kitchen.

"So how was your school?" Uncle Aaron asked.

"It's good and bad," Miles answered.

Uncle Aaron put food on the table and wondered, "What's so bad about school?"

"It's hard to make friends with people and I honestly don't even know myself..." Miles looked down.

"I thought you wanted to be an Artist?" Uncle Aaron looked at Miles curiously.

"Yeah, but my parents are against it...I wish I could convince them that I wanna be an Artist. But I don't even know what my goal is." Miles explained.

Uncle Aaron placed his hand on Miles' shoulder. "I got something to show you."

(That time, I realized being an artist could be my goal.)

Miles was spraying paint on the wall and Uncle Aaron watched him.

(But something changed my life...)

A few hours later, both of them finished creating an artwork on the wall. Miles snapped a picture of his artwork on the wall. They packed up.

"Looks like I gotta home early or else my mom will kill me," Miles said goodbye to Uncle Aaron.

When Miles was walking out of Uncle Aaron's apartment, a radioactive spider crawled onto Miles's hand and bit it. The radioactive spider disappears.

"Ouch! What was that?" Miles saw a red small bruise on his hand.

(I didn't know I had the same superpower as Spider-Man. So I tested my web powers when no one was watching. I thought I could be the next Spider-Man.)

Miles brought a red and blue Spider-Man suit from the shop. After that, he sprayed the suit with red and black paint. He wore his red and black Spider-man suit. Miles tried to test his web-slinging skills but he failed.

(One time, I decided to help Spider-man in stopping the villain. I'm surprised that Spider-Man is my mentor and he's willing to teach me.)

"Hey, do you need help?" Miles webs at the villain's face.

"Woah, another spider? That's really interesting." Spider-man rubs his chin.

A few hours later,

Spider-man and Miles swing across the city.

"That's how you swing" Spider-man exclaimed.

"Woo Hoo!!! I can do it!" Miles cheered.

(The sad thing is my mentor, Peter...I mean... Spider-man told me that he's moving to another place.)

"I'm sorry, Miles. I had to move to another place..." Peter delivered bad news to Miles.

"Man, who's gonna look after the city?" Miles questioned.

Peter placed his hand on Miles' shoulder. "It's you. I'm counting on you to be the next Spider-Man after me. I've seen your amazing skills."

"R-really? Do you mean I'm the next Spider-man? No way!" Miles could not express his joy.

"My uncle once told me that 'with great power comes great responsibility'. I'm sure you'll be responsible for taking care of this city." Peter smiled. "For now, it's a goodbye."

Peter and Miles gave a fist bump to each other.

"See you again, Peter!" Miles shouted excitedly and waved at Peter,

Peter wore his Spider-man mask and swung away.

(I didn't know Spider-man would choose me. I guess I'm the lucky person! But I can't reveal my secret identity other than my best friend, Ganke. I can't wait to use my new spider power against the bad guy.)

Spider-man was standing in the building. Suddenly, he heard someone screaming for help.

(Oh, oh, looks like someone needs me.)

Spider-man punched and shot webs at the thief. He returned the purse to the old lady.

(That's how I became Spider-man)

Spider-man swings across the city.

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