Episode 19:The Internet Virus part 2

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Squirrel Girl, Spider-man, Nova, Brawn, And Viv were standing still with brainwashed people around them.

"Guys, we're gonna take them down with our superpower after that we all will straightaway find the underground secret lab!" Squirrel Girl instructed, giving a confident smile at her teammates.

"If you say so." Nova flew and blasted at brainwashed people, he realized that they glitched and disappeared.

"Woah! I can do this!" Brawn clapped his hand loudly, but the brainwashed people didn't disappear. "Why aren't they disappear?"

Viv spins and shoots a laser at the brainwashed people. "Their weakness is using electric effect power"

"I'm on it!" Spiderman used his venom strike to punch brainwashed people, causing them to disappear.

"I'm still confused if these brainwashed people were real, then did they just vanish." Brawn was confused.

"I'm sure there's a way to bring those innocents back." Squirrel Girl reassured.

"Looks like we finished killing many innocents," Nova said.

"I feel bad for doing that..." Spider-Man empathise.

"Okay, we gotta to go the secret lab quickly before worse things could happen!"

Squirrel Girl, Nova, Spider-man, Brawn, and Viv quickly ran the underground secret lab. Suddenly they saw many brainwashed people coming from both sides.

"You guys leave! I'll handle them!" Brawn instructed.

"But Brawn you can't do that!" Squirrel Girl cried.

"I have the right to distract them. I'm sure you all can save the world even if I'm not there." Brawn gave a fake smile.

Brawn smashed on the ground, causing brainwashed people to disperse. "Go and stop that internet virus before it's too late!"

Squirrel Girl was worried. Spider-man grabbed her wrist and ran together with Nova and Viv. Brawn was trying his best to fight with brainwashed people. Unfortunately, someone puts the phone in front of his eye, causing him to be dizzy and get brainwashed. On the other hand, Nova, Squirrel Girl, Spider-man, and Viv were running to the hallway. Later, there was a footstep and a buzzing sound behind them. Nova realized someone was following them.

"Hey, man. What are you looking at?" Spider-man asked.

Nova replied, "Someone's following us."

Squirrel Girl was bewildered, "Who?"

"Allow me." Viv flew up and was about to check behind.

Nova flew and stood in front of her. "For now, I think you should focus helping on them."

"But who will check there?" Viv was concerned.

Nova replied bravely, "Leave it to me. I can't let them follow you and stop you guys from saving the city."

"Oh nuts, here it goes...Why are you acting like Brawn?" Squirrel Girl frowned.

"Why do you wanna sacrifice yours if Brawn did his earlier?" Viv was worried.

"Are you crazy, man? We can't let you lose!" Spider-man cried.

"There's no time to argue. You guys have to stop that mastermind as soon as possible! Don't worry, I'll come back here." Nova reassured.

"Okay, man. We got you!" Spider-man gave a smile to Nova.

"Stay safe and hope to see you there," Viv said.

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