Episode 17:Getting Inspired

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Miles walked into a cafe. Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name. He turned behind and saw Peter who sitting on the table with two cups of smoothie.

"Pete? I thought you were out of town." Miles approached Peter and sat beside him.

"I'm here to take a break. It's great to see you, Miles. How's the city?" Peter slips ice coffee.

"It's great! Fighting with a bunch of villains and also making new friends with my friends. " Miles smiled.

"That's great to hear. Harry and I were busy with a new project "

"I see! So what did you do about it?" Miles asked.

As Peter was about to open his mouth, there was a loud bang outside.

"What the heck?!" Miles was stunned.

"We gotta go and check!" Peter got up.

Green Goblin was throwing bombs at people. Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid swung and landed in front of the green goblin.

"Oh, Two spider-men!" Green Goblin laughed.

"You don't stand against us, green goblin!" Spider-Man exclaimed. Both Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid shoot web at Green Goblin. He dodged and quickly rode on his glider.

"He's not getting away!" Kid Arachnid shouted as both of them started to chase him.

Spider-Man shoots a web at Green Goblin's glider and swings to one side. He stands firm, activating the blade from his glider. Both Kid Arachnid and Spider-Man separated their way. Green Goblin followed Spider-Man who was swinging away from him. Kid Arachnid jumped with his venom strike on the Green Goblin's back.

"I'm not gonna let you do this!" Kid Arachnid roared.

"I see. You're the one who was bitten by the most powerful spider, don't you?" Green Goblin smirked.

"You forget about me, goblin!" Spider-Man punched the his face.

"After I stop you both. I'm going to make a trip to one of my ex-employee's house to learn more about spider-soldier and I'll be powerful enough to defeat you both!" Green Goblin attacked spider-men with his glider.

"Hold on, don't tell me you're going to my midtown high school teacher, Raymond Warren's house!" Spider-Man's eyes were widened.

"What the-" Kid Arachnid shakes his head to regain his focus, "We're not gonna let you go to his house!" He jumped and webbed Green Goblin, but he swung the web string, causing Kid Arachnid to fly to the wall.

Luckily, Spider-Man swings and grabs his wrist to avoid being hit by the wall.

"How about we play with hide and seek?" Green Goblin threw a pumpkin bomb at Spider-men. Both of them dodged and coughed.

"Where did he go?" Kid Arachnid looked around.

"He must be looking for Mr Warren," Spider-man said firmly.

"But no one lives in his house, Pete! It's too dangerous if Green Goblin steals something from his lab! I'm not sure whether my friend, Gwen was there or not. Because Mr Warren is her uncle." Kid Arachnid was on pins and needles

"I see, Gwen Stacy the Emm Jay drummer?" Spider-man guessed.

"Dude, how did you know?" Kid Arachnid was stunned.

Spider-man explained, " I know her because I had a girlfriend of mine, Mary Jane Watson. She complimented on how Gwen was the best band member. Sadly, she has a passion for being a journalist and leaving Gwen to be the leader of Emm Jay's band. And maybe you should warn her about him coming to Mr Warren's house."

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