Episode 4:Familiar Faces

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Batroc the leaper broke into the phone shop and started to attack people by throwing things around the shop. Many people rushed out of the shop. Nova and Spider-Man opened the phone shop door.

"Hey! Stop right there! You can't stand a chance against Spider-Man and Nova!" Spider-Man commanded.

Nova and Spider-Man did a superhero pose. However, Batroc was busy jumping from table to table.                                                                                                                                                                                            

"Hello? MUAHAHA!" He stuffs the phone in the bag. 

"Umm...what is he doing?" Nova blinked his eyes.              

"I don't know. Hey man! Stop jumping around!" Spider-Man shoots the web at Batroc.

 He turned around and dodged. Nova was about to punch him but he kicked Nova.

"Hey man, when will you stop jumping?" Spider-Man jumped behind Batroc and pinched him on the ground.

 Batroc kicked Spider-Man's chest and he jumped on the table.  

"I will show you how to fly!" Nova was flying fast towards him.   

Batroc grabbed a moving chair and threw it toward Nova.                                                                                 

"What the-? AHHHHHHH!" Nova got knocked out by the moving chair. 

 He dropped hard to the ground. Spider-Man was busy punching Batroc. He still dodges.

"Dude, can you stop stealing that thing I would like to compliment one thing." Spider-Man and Batroc froze.

"You could have done better in the Olympics." Spider-Man complimented.

Batroc was curling his mustache. "Oh okay. That sounds good. How about this?" Batroc grabbed Spider-man and threw it to Nova who was getting up.

Spider-man and Nova collide with each other.

"Ouch, dude. You broke my arm!" Nova cried.

 "I'm sorry but how are we supposed to stop that jumping guy?" Spider-Man complained.

"I guess Spiderman shouldn't have hired you," Nova mocked.

   Batroc did disco fever as a victory dance after Spider-Man and Nova failed to stop him.

"Looks like we have to watch his show..."Spider-Man sighed.

  Both of them were sitting there hopelessly while Batroc was stuffing more things in the bag.

"Great, we failed..." Nova said worriedly.

  Batroc was about to escape. Suddenly, Squirrel Girl kicked his face.

"You can't run away from Squirrel Girl!" Squirrel Girl exclaimed.       

"Damn, who's that?" Spider-Man thought.     

Batroc got up and jumped on one side. He was about to kick Squirrel girl, Ms Marvel grabbed him up with her big fist quickly.

"Try that again or else you'll be going to prison." Ms Marvel warned.

"I think I'm in love with that girl." Nova flustered as he stared at Ms Marvel's action.

"Really dude? You love that girl with a mask!" Spider-Man turned at Nova curiously.

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