Episode 23:We will be hero Part 1

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In Viv's house,

"Alright, our main mission is to stop Norman!" Kamala doodles on the piece of paper.

"Yeah, since we got the information about him, we will be able to defeat him!" Miles was confident.

"First thing first, we got to stop all of Norman's sidekicks" Sam added.

"Yeah, don't worry, leave it to me !" Amadeus exclaimed.

"How about we split into the teams" Doreen suggested, grabbing a pencil from Kamala and start drawing six circles on the paper.

"Norman has few bodyguards left." Viv delivered.

"Viv and Amadeus will take care of them!" Doreen circled one big circle in two small circles.

"Next, Kamala, Miles, Sam, and I will deal with Norman because we will never know what his plan is." Doreen continued

"But how do we know whether you guys need help?" Amadeus asked, folding his arms.

"I suggest using the AirPods as the communication tools," Viv suggested

"I got It!" Doreen took out six airpods and put them on the table.

"Woah, don't tell me you created those last night." Amadeus looking at the AirPods.

"That's how we communicate with each other if Norman did something horrible," Doreen smirked at Amadeus.

" Okay, Norman doesn't know our secret identity which means someone has to go in and distract," Kamala said.

"Okay but who will distract Norman?" Sam asked.

"Kamala should go because she's good at engaging Norman while Miles is good at sneaking. Therefore Kamala and Miles can distract Norman easily since he never met them before. " Viv suggested.

When Viv is about to say another word, Doreen interrupts her.

"Meanwhile Sam, Viv, Amadeus, and I will stop the bodyguard. After that when Norman was leaving from his lab, that's where Kamala and Miles used the shortcut to meet us. Then, we will show him that we can take him down. After all, we will be the next superhero! " Doreen cheered, punching on the air.

Everyone was silent except for Sam and Miles who gave applause to Doreen's speech.

"That's a good one!"Miles cried.

" We should be getting the recognition of being superheroes." Sam sobbed.

"Have you guys lost your mind? We didn't even stop Norman!" Kamala complained.

"Oh, I forget about that part!" Miles scratches his head.

"But we will still stop him tonight!" Sam gave a serious face.

"These three should be the next comedic trio," Amadeus whispered to Viv and Doreen.

Doreen smirked.

"Alright, the end of Norman will happen tomorrow!" Doreen placed her hand in front.

"Can't wait to see him cry!" Sam placed his hand on top of Doreen.

"He will never mess up with us!" Kamala placed on top of Sam's hand.

Miles placed his hand on Kamala, "I would love to see him instantly regret."

"I'm in!" Viv placed her hand on top of Mile's.

"Me too!" Amandeus exclaimed.

All of them raised their hand as they were reaching for the skied.


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