Episode 7:Skate Time

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On a sunny afternoon, Doreen was teaching Miles about skateboarding.

"I can't ride on it." Miles struggled to balance while standing on his skateboard. Instead, he fell.

"Maybe if you practice more, you'll get better." Doreen pulled Miles' hand up.

"How are you so good at skateboarding?" Miles asked curiously.

"Skateboarding needs patience and taking risks. " Doreen explained.

Suddenly, a group of kids burst into laughter and approached  them.

"Wow, you both look so pathetic. You can't ride a skateboard. " One boy mocked.

"I don't think animal communicators like you can do trick shots." One girl teased.

"Let's show them how we do!" The boy asked, dropping his skateboard on the ground.

Both of them did a pogo skateboarding trick.

"So how do you like our trick shot." The girl smirked.

"That was scary but still amazing. " Miles gave a thumbs up.

"I bet you can't skate." The boy assumed.

"It's my first time so it will take time." Miles scratched his hair.

"I'll show you mine" Doreen jumped on a skateboard and did a flip. But she almost falls. Luckily, she balances it.

"Let's Go, Doreen!" Miles cheered.

"Your skateboarding skills are way pathetic. " One boy commented.

"You won't be a skateboarder in the future anyway." The girl mocked.

Doreen felt pain in her heart and started to run away.

"Doreen, wait!" Miles chased after Doreen.

She sat down on the bench and tilted her head down.

"Don't listen to these people. They are a loser." Miles sat beside her.

"But I felt like I was a loser. In my whole life, I was judged by many people. I barely had friends." A drop of tear fell down her cheek.

"At least, you still have us." Miles placed his hand on Doreen's shoulder.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang at the park. Kraven was throwing darts at the bush .

"Oh oh! Looks like I have a job to do! Do you wanna come?" Miles got up.

"Sorry, you could go off without me." Doreen gave him a weak smile.

Miles changed into his Spider-Man suit. Spider-Man shoots web at Kraven. He was busy vlogging with his drones.

"Here, it comes the prey, Spider-Man!" Kraven turned to Spider-Man.

"Prey? Are you a hunter?" Spider-Man rubs his head.

"Yes!" Kraven shoots tranquilizer darts at Spider-Man as he tries to dodge it.

Spider-Man shoots web at Kraven's face. "A few days ago, I fought with one animal. Maybe you should take it with you."

Spider-man kicked at Kraven's face and looked for Doreen who was depressed.

"See Doreen, that's how we stop the animal hunter." Spider-Man folded his arms.

"Animal hunter? I'm not interested." Doreen looked at one side. Tippy tried his best to comfort her.

Spider-Man could feel his spider-sense tingling so he did a backflip. Kraven was shooting darts at him.

"Seriously, man. That is not cool to hunt people like us. We're not an animal!" Spider-man swings around.

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