Episode 13:Scientific Rival

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At the Stark expo,

Miles, Sam, and Doreen were looking around the display. Doreen was busy snapping pictures of the Iron Man suit display.

"Seriously, how many iron and suits does this dude have?" Sam asked.

"He has a lot!" Doreen answered as she continued to snap pictures of Iron Man suits.

Kamala ran to her friend, catching her breath, "Guys, you won't believe that I got an autograph from Tony Stark!"

She showed her notebook with Tony's signature on it to her friends.

"Wow, I wish I could be popular!" Sam whined.

"Me too!" Miles agreed.

"No way! I see a gauntlet! Looks like I'm gonna try it out!" Doreen rushed to the display and was about to grab the gauntlet. Suddenly, someone touched the same gauntlet as Doreen.

"Hey! I got it first!" Amadeus complained.

"No, I got it first!" Doreen argued.

"I bet you don't even know anything about Stark tech. Because I made my own arc reactor!" Amadeus took the prototype arc reactor from his backpack.

"Okay? At least, I got his signature unlike you!" Doreen folded her arms.

"You know, I'm smarter than you!" Amadeus frowned.

"NO, You're wrong! I am way more genius than you!" Doreen pointed to Amadeus's chest.

Both of them gritted their teeth. Later, there was a loud blast from Mrs Clara.

"Doreen and Amadeus, please stop fighting or else both of you will have to serve detention!" Mrs Clara roared.

Both of them sighed.


Doreen and Kamala were having a conversation as they were walking outside of the school.

"I hate this Amadeus Cho! Why must he take my idol, Iron Man!" Doreen whined.

"Wow, looks like you got yourself a competitor," Kamala commented.

"How am I supposed to stop him loving Iron Man? I was jealous to see him making an arc reactor! I wish I could impress Tony Stark." Doreen trained her eyes to look down.

"You know what? Just ignore that kid and pretend that Tony Stark knows you as the only fan." Kamala suggested.

"Yeah, but it's hard to ignore..." Doreen was worried.

There was a fight between Taskmaster and Brawn at the top of the building.

"Umm, Doreen? You may not wanna ignore this" Kamala pointed to the top.

Doreen lifted her head up, " Looks like we need to help him!"

Kamala and Doreen quickly change into their superpower form, arriving at the top of the school building swiftly.

"No one can beat Squirrel Girl and Ms Marvel!" Squirrel Girl exclaimed.

"Okay, looks like I got a guest to deal with." Taskmaster copied the movement of Brawn and punched him. He was dropped to the ground. Squirrel Girl was punching and kicking Taskmaster continuously. However, Taskmaster gave a one kick to Squirrel Girl, causing her to hit Ms. Marvel who was trying to catch her.

"Hey, you forget about us!" Spider-Man surprised Taskmaster with his venom strike but he grabbed his fist. He grabbed Spider-Man's wrist, throwing him to one side and causing him to knock down to the ground.

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