Spoiled and Clingy

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(Regressed Matt)

Matt-2 years old

Chris' POV:
It is currently 1pm in L.A. and all day today Matt has been really clingy. Nick is out of town right now so it is just Matt and I. He just wants me and only me. He wants me to do everything for him, which I don't mind, but I can't be holding him all day.

We are in the grocery store right now and we are getting ready to leave. We are trying to leave the aisle, but Matt wants me to hold him. I tried to put him in the cart, but he was just screaming and crying the whole time so I took him out and held him, but then I had to put him back down, much to his dislike.

So now I am in the aisle trying to get Matt to walk with me so I can check out and then go home. "Matt baby come on. Dada is right here come here." I said motioning for him to come here.

"Dada 'ol me p'ease!" Matt cried while making grabby hands. "Baby I can't hold you right now. Come on and hold Dada's hand." I tried to reason with him. " 'Ol me Dada p'ease!" Matt screamed. "Okay baby we are going to leave." I said thinking that it would work, since it usually does.

I started to walk away at a slow pace to see if it would get him to move. Matt just stood there screaming and making grabby hands towards me. I just sighed and then shook my head before walking back to him and picking him up.

The cart was full and I was pushing the cart, so I had to hold Matt. We finished shopping and then we checked out. During all of this time I am still holding Matt. He has his arms wrapped around my neck and his face buried in my neck.

Time Skip:

We soon arrive home and I had to do the laundry and cook tonight. But, first I needed to use the bathroom. I gently placed Matt down on the couch and told him that I needed to use the restroom.

"Okay baby dada is going to use the potty really quick." I said calmly. "Nooooo! Dada no potty. 'Ol me!" Matt whined and made grabby hands towards me. "Hold on bubs. It will be quick. Just stay right there." I said. "No dada! No 'ay p'ease!" Matt cried as he got off of the couch.

Matt started toddling towards me. I just walked to the bathroom and closed the door. I didn't lock it though because I knew that he couldn't open the door. As soon as I closed the door I heard little feet run to the door.

"DADA!" Matt screamed. I felt bad as I heard his little fists bang against the door. I quickly hurried up and then washed my hands. I opened the door and Matt was just on the ground crying and screaming. "Okay. Yeah I know baby. Dada is here now. You're okay." I soothed. "You have a strong set of lungs on you." I chuckled.

I went over to the washer and dryer and switched the clothes from the washer to the dryer and then I went to get started on dinner, with Matt in my hands of course. I was just going to make some spaghetti and Texas toast.

 I grabbed the baby carrier and clipped it to me and then put Matt in there so it would be easier for me to make dinner. I started on the noodles and then moved to cooking the meat. I finished making dinner and then I sat Matt in his high chair. He started to whine.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked him as I put our plates on the table. "You dada. 'it with you." Matt said. "Oh, you want to sit with me?" I asked him. "Es dada." He responded. "Okay come on." I said as I unclipped him from his high chair and then took him out. I placed him on my lap and then I started to feed him, while eating in between as well.

We got ready for bed and then I just let Matt sleep in my bed. "You are just so spoiled." I said as I tickled his sides. "No 'oiled dada." Matt said in between laughs. "I think you are spoiled." I said before letting him get comfortable on me. "Ni-night dada. I wuv you." Matt said after yawning. "Night night baby. I love you."

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