In the Store

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(Regressed Chris)

Location: LA

Chris-2 1/2 years old

(Nick's POV:)
It is currently 2pm and we are about to head to the grocery store to go and get some things for the house.

"Chris! Chris come here!" I hear Matt yell as he chases Chris with a diaper, shirt, and shorts. Chris is running, or more so attempting to run and he is wear his black shorts with no shirt.

"Chrissy please!" Matt says as he stops to catch his breath. "No dada! 'et me!" Chris said before running into me. "What are you doing bubba?" I ask him.

"I 'unin f'om dada." He says out of breath. "I think you should let dada get you ready to go." I say while picking him up before he has a chance to run away again.

"No papa! No 'et dwessed!" Chris yells. "No sir. We do not yell." I say sternly. "I sowwy papa, but no wan 'et dwessed." He said.

"Ok I understand baby, but you have to. How about I get you dressed?" I ask, trying to reason with him. "Otay papa." He said as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Alright. I'm here." Matt said as he entered the room. "Oh hey. You good now?" I ask him. "Yeah, but a baby should NOT be that fast!" Matt says with a bit of shock in his voice.

"Well, I reasoned with him and he is willing to let me change and dress him." I say. "Okay good. Now I can go and pack his diaper bag." Matt states before handing me Chris' things.

"Thanks." I say. "No problem." Matt respondes. "No pwobem." Chris copies Matt. "Did he just mock me?" Matt said as he turned around. "Yep, he did." I say before walking off.

I get Chris changed and get his clothes on. "Okay bud, let's go fix your hair really quickly." I say before picking him up off of the changing table and placing him on my hip. "No do my 'air papa." Chris states whiles covering his hair with his hands.

"Yes baby, I am still going to do your hair." I said while walking to the bathroom. I refill his spray bottle and then spray his hair, much to his dislike.

"Okay, okay, all done." I said while putting my hands up in defense.

"Are you guys ready?" Matt yells from the kitchen. "We 'tomin dada!" Chris yells back. We walk to the kitchen and then Chris wiggles to get down. I put him down and then he runs up to Matt and grabs his hand.

"Alright let's go." Matt said. "Et's go papa!" Chris repeats. Matt playfully rolls his eyes before walking to the garage. I get Chris buckled in his car seat and then I get in the front. Matt hands me the diaper bag and then he gets in the car.

"Hey Nick?" Matt calls my name. "Yeah?" "Are we going to try and get Chris out of his headspace before we go into the store?" He asked me. "I mean he said that he doesn't prefer to be in his headspace in public, so yeah, we probably should." I said.

"Okay, well, we can do it when we get there." Matt states. "Sounds like a plan." I replied.

We soon pull out of the garage and then we head to the grocery store.

Time Skip:

We arrived to the grocery store and I know that Chris doesn't want to be in his headspace while we are in the grocery store, so now Matt and I have to try to get him out of it.

"Chris, can you be big for a little bit? We are going into the grocery store." I state gently. Chris squeezes his eyes shut before opening them again and saying, "Okay. I'm ready." He says, clearly out of his headspace.

He unbuckles himself and then he gets out of the car. Matt and I do the same. We do still bring the diaper wherever we go, just in case Chris does slip. I grab the diaper bag before we all walk into the store.

"Okay Matt, can you get baby things that we need to restock on?" I ask him. "Yeah I got you." Matt replies. "And Chris can you get some more blankets and pillows for the living room?" I ask him. "Yes." He simply states.

"Okay, great guys. I am going to get snacks and some fruit." I state. "Okay. Sounds good to me." Matt says and Chris nods. We all part our ways and go shop.

Chris' POV:
I am a little nervous because when I got out of my headspace in the car, I didn't want to leave it. But, I also don't really like being little in public. I just decided to just get the pillows and blankets for the living room and then go find Nick and Matt.

I walk towards the blanket aisle and I immediately start to feel fuzzy in the back of my head. 'No. I can't slip in here.' I thought to my self. 'Okay. I need to focus.' I mentally told myself. I went up to a grey blanket and felt it.

I know that Matt, Nick, and I all love really soft and fluffy blankets. This grey one looked perfect. I felt it and it was... amazing. It felt great. It was the perfect combination of soft and fluffy.

I picked it up and immediately felt myself start to slip. 'No, no, no, no! This can't be happening right now!' I thought to myself. As I was feeling the blanket, I saw this teenage girl look at me kind of weird.

She was mean mugging me. "Great. Just. Great." I said under my breath. Of course someone wants to be rude, while I am trying not to slip. 

I choose to ignore her, until I see to older people come up behind her and start looking at me and whispering. They look like they could be her parents. The man looks upset though. This started to scare me. Making me slip even more.

After about another minute, the man starts walking over towards me. "Young man. What is wrong with you?" He asks me.

"U-um. W-what are y-you talking 'bout?" I say while trying not to slip anymore. "Oh what do you mean? You're sitting here cuddling a blanket like a baby! Man up!" He starts to yell.

I jump a little when he said the last part. "I-I d-didn't do anyfin'." I say. "And now you can barley speak. What a baby!" He yells at me before walking back to his family. They all walk away leaving me there shocked.

I am still so confused as to why he got so mad over something that had nothing to do with him. I soon feel my anxiety go up and I know that I am about to slip. I sit down on the floor and start to cry.

But, my cries turn into my breathing speeding up and my hands shaking. Soon enough I am having a full panic attack.

Matt's POV:
I get everything and then I meet up with Nick in the chip aisle. "Hey, where's Chris?" I ask Nick. "Oh. I thought he went with you after he got the things for the living room." Nick stated. Right after he said that, a look of worry crossed our faces.

We instantly stop what we are doing and go and look for Chris. We go straight to the living room decor and see Chris on the ground having a panic attack.

I run full speed towards him. I pick him up and place his ear against my chest while I rock him. It takes us about another 20 minutes before Chris is calm again.

"What happened baby?" Nick asks him. "Big meanie." He said as he frowned. "What did the meanie say?" I asked him.

"He say man up an' an' no act 'ike a baby!" Chris said as another tear escaped his eye and fell onto his face. "Okay. Calm down bubba." I told him as I rocked him and rubbed his back.

"I'm going to go report the man. We can shop another time. Just go take him to the car." Nick said while looking visibly upset. "Alright. See you in a few minutes." I said after I stood up and picked Chris up.

Chris laid his head on my shoulder and then I took us back to the car. 

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