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(Regressed Chris)

Location: LA

Chris-1 1/2 years old

Matt POV:
I am sitting here in the living room watching TV, while waiting for Chris to wake up from his nap. Nick is in his room right now since Chris is down for a nap. Chris has been sleeping for about an hour now, and usually he sleeps for about an hour and a half, to around two hours total.

About another thirty minutes pass and then I see Nick walking down the stairs. "Hey Matt." He says as he entered the living room to sit on the couch next to me. "Hey Nick. Whatcha doin'?" I ask him. "Nothing, just finished cleaning my room." He states.

"Okay, well do you want to order some pizza?" I ask him as I go to the uber eats app on my phone. "Yeah. Pizza sounds good actually." He says. "Okay, and I think it's a good idea since Chris should be waking up soon." I say.

"I'm going to check the baby monitor. I want to check up on him." Nick says as I order the pizza. "Aw look at him." Nick coos. "What?" I say as I look over at what he was trying to show me. "Aw he looks so cute and relaxed." I say.

Chris was sleeping on his stomach, with one leg propped up next to him, his left arm is by his head, while the right is clinging to his stuffed animal, and his pacifier bobbing in his mouth. He looks so calm.

"Okay. Nick, I have been thinking about this thing that I saw." I state while putting my phone down so I can look at him. He puts his phone down and turns towards me a little bit more. "So I saw this thing where this mom and dad had a baby, but the baby was super clingy and when they had to go places like work, or when they had to take their baby to daycare, or even when they just simply needed to use the bathroom, the baby would cry." I state.

"That sounds like Chris." Nick says. "Yes, exactly. The parents tried out something though. They used one of their shirts and two of the baby's muslins and they kept it on them for like six to eight hours. The dad put one of the muslins and his shirt in his pockets. The mom did the same as well. Then then the next time when their baby was being clingy, but they needed to go somewhere or do something, then that is when they would go and give the baby either their shirt or muslin. The baby would calm down almost instantly. This even worked during night time." I tell Nick.

"So are you saying that you want to do that with Chris?" Nick asked me. "Yeah. Especially because he is in his lower headspace right now. You know that he is more clingy." I say. "Okay, I am going to go and get two of his muslins and one of my shirts and you go get one of yours." Nick says. "Alright." I reply before we both get up.

We both quickly get the things and then Nick puts one muslin in his pocket and his t-shirt in his other pocket. I do the same.

About 45 minutes pass before I hear cries coming from upstairs and on the baby monitor. "I'm coming baby!" I yell hoping Chris would hear me. I run to the nursery and walk in quietly. "Hi bubba. Why the tears?" I coo as I pick him up.

I pick him up and notice that his diaper needs to be changed. "Alright. Okay, okay. Shh. You're okay baby. Dada's here." I soothe. Thankfully, it works. Chris' cries turn into sniffles. I grab a diaper, wipes, and baby powder. Then, I walk over to the changing table and lay him on it.

I quickly, but carefully change Chris. There were a few whines here and there, but overall he was okay. I pick Chris up and then I hear the doorbell. "Nick! Can you get the door please? I think the pizza is here!" I yell.

Chris jumps in my arms and then look up at me with his bottom lip sticking out. "Oh no baby. Shh. You're okay. Dada's sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I say while patting his back and bouncing up and down a little.

This seems to calm him. I walk back to the kitchen and see Nick grabbing paper plates so we can eat the pizza. "Papa!" Chris exclaims. "Hi bubba!" Nick says. "Dada eat eat." Chris says while pointing to the pizza box.

"Yes baby, we are going to eat eat." I tell him as I go to put him in his highchair.  I buckle him in and then put the tray on there. This sets Chris off. He starts kicking and wailing loudly. "Shh. Baby, you're okay. Dada is right there." Nick says to Chris as he grabs his hand and rubs his thumb over his knuckles.

This didn't help at all. Chris just kept wailing and kicking his little legs out. Then that is when I remembered... the shirts and muslins! "Nick hand him your shirt or the muslin." I say. Nick puts his shirt in Chris' hand and Chris immediately brings it to his face for comfort.

I guess he took in Nick's scent because he calmed down almost instantly. His cries were sniffles and the kicking stopped. Nick and I were amazed. "Aw. Are you okay now bubba?" I ask him. He just looks at me and sniffles.

I just decide to not push him and just let him be. I cut up his pizza and then put it on his tray. I then go to fill up his sippy cup with some fruit punch. I do that and then I put it on his tray before sitting down with my two pizza slices.

We all eat peacefully. Chris, never letting Nick's shirt go. After we are all done eating, we clean up and then go to the living room and watch some TV together.

Time Skip:

Matt's POV:
I wake up to the sound of crying. I open my eyes and then realize that it was Chris. I hurry to the room to find Nick already in the there trying to soothe Chris. I gently take Chris from Nick's arms and try to calm him down.

"Matt try your shirt." Nick says in a sleepy voice. I hand Chris back to Nick and then I go back to my room and grab my shirt that was still in my pants pocket from earlier. I head back to the nursery and then I gently grab Chris and hand him my shirt.

I go and sit in the rocking chair and then I start rocking us. I guess the combination of my scent on me, the scent on my shirt, Chris' pacifier, and the rocking sensation, calmed Chris down. "Nick you can go back to bed if you want." I tell him.

"No, I want to make sure you guys are okay and get back to bed safely." Nick simply states. Nick and I wait until Chris is fully asleep before we put him back in his crib. I let him keep my shirt for comfort. Nick and I then head back to bed.

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