Chapter 46 ~ Dark Waters

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Today we received a distress call from Terra Aquanos where Tritonn needed our help, I was stoked to see what this Terra had in stored since I've never been here before. Surprisingly, so many people and fishermen here then expected that I was stoked to hear what Tritonn needed us for.

Finn: Oh c'mon, everybody knows Bessie's just a story Terra Aquanos made up to sell t-shirts
Stork: Oh, ye of little faith. Sure, no one's found any "evidence" she exists. Yet. I'm going to prove all you naysayers wrong
Aerrow: Stork, we've got bigger fish to fry
Mags: Aerrow's right. It's been three days since Tritonn and The Neckdeeps followed that distress signal to the bottom of the lake and no one has heard from them since
Finn: Maybe their cruiser sprang a leak?
Mechanic: Not likely, laddie. The Master shipwrights of Aquinos know how to make a ship watertight. We've only been doing it for nigh on 500 years
Aerrow: I sure hope so, because when you're done with the Condor, we're taking her straight down to the bottom!
Luna: I can't wait~!! Who knows what will be in the ocean
Stork: She looks so beautiful
Luna: [grin] By beautiful you are talking about the Condor, right?

[Recording scratch]

Stork: I mean you're beautiful!! You will always be my beautiful right hand, my beautiful goddess, and ummm
Luna: [giggles] I'm just teasing you Stork, the Condor is a beauty to be admired
Mechanic: We took the liberty of modding your skimmers for underwater running as well

We all watched as our skimmers were amazing as they lifted them up to our Condor, Finn changed into some wet suits which fitted tight, but perfect for the underwater adventure while Finn struggled to get the helmet off of him.

Finn: Get this thing off me!!!


Finn: Awwww~
Mechanic: That "thing" is a breather. There's one for each of you. I don't advise you landies going out into the depths without one
Aerrow: Never mind Finn, we appreciate you doing all this for us
Mechanic: We didn't do it for you, laddie. This terra owes everything to the Neckdeeps, find the Skyquod, bring them back
Mags: We will
Luna: Yeah, as Scorpio would say "Sky Knight honor"

We got into the Condor and got ready to go into the ocean as we brace for impact, once the Condor was in the water we were finally under water. It was honestly beautiful and breathtaking than I could imagine, all the fishes, coal reefs, and so much more.

Junko: This place is making me hungry. Oh! Oh, yeah [smack his lips]


Piper: We've got something on the sonar
Aerrow: The Skyquod?
Luna: No, too big. And too fast [gasp] could it be
Stork: [gasp] Bessie? Luna my dear, take the wheel

I sped off quickly to take control of the Condor, while he tries to get a picture of it before it would be too late but something else caught his attention.

Stork: AHHHH!!!!! IT'S A MAELSTROM!!!!

[Alarm Blare]


Stork and I steered right as the others were flung across the Bridge, as for Aerrow who fell on top of Mags, and I quickly caught Piper before she could get thrown across the Bridge.

Finn: That storm was a monster! It just came out of nowhere
Piper: You know, I bet it was one of those maelstroms that gave people the idea that there's a monster in this lake
Stork: Bessie's real! I know it. If only she'd give us some kind of sign...

[Whale-like sound]

Luna: You mean like that?
Stork: Gaaaahh!!!
Aerrow: Where's it coming from?
Mags: Uh, Aerrow. Can you get off of me now?
Aerrow: Oops, sorry [stands up]
Stork: Can't see anything in these murky waters. Let there... Luna, if you would my dear
Luna: Gladly, captain~

A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc X Stork]Where stories live. Discover now