Chapter 58 ~ A Wallop For All Seasons

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Luna's P.O.V

We headed back to Atmosia where we searched high and low of any information about a key, thanks to Ravess's intel. My father visited and brought us empanadas for us to eat while we go through the books and scrolls.

Luna: This is tiring, we went thought every book, every scroll, and still nothing
Mags: Keep looking, we should be close
Deimos: You know, if you want I could ask the Zodiacs to go through the archive, they might just find something
Aerrow: That could help, thank you for all the help
Deimos: Not a problem [leaves]
Finn: How much longer's this going to take? I'm so bored, I can feel my brain shutting down
Stork: Shutting down, huh. Could also be brain warts [shudders]
Finn: Pfft, right
Aerrow: [place a stack of books down] Anything in that one?
Piper: [sighs] another dead end. All we know about that doorway is what Ravess told us, it leads to the Far Side of Atmos and Cyclonis still needs the key
Aerrow: And Cyclonis still needs the key. Keep digging. We'll find it before she does
Luna: Yeah, the only problem is that we don't know what the key looks like
Mags: Oh! And before we forget Luna, you should know that Ravess, is-
Luna: What?
Aerrow: She's part of the Resistance now
Luna: [spanish gasp]
Aerrow: Yeah, we were going to-
Luna: Pfft, oh I had a hunch she would join

[Recording scratch]

Aerrow: What?
Luna: I knew Ravess would join, for two reasons. One, to seek revenge against Cyclonis, two, because of my cousin. I don't blame her, so many girls drool for Scorpio, Leo, Aries, and Libra
Piper: Wow
Luna: Yup, it's no surprise, I knew she was in love with my cousin
Storm Hawks: SHE'S WHAT???!!!!
Luna: Yeah, I had a gut feeling she fell head over heels for him, plus I knew he also loves her back, wish I could've been there to see them confess their love for each other. Enemies to lovers, my favorite

Just then, the door slammed open as we all let out a scream only to see from the door that it was another wallop.

Wallop Messenger: DON'T GO ALL WALLOP!!!!


Luna: Huh?

The messenger came at Junko, while he let out a scream and we feared for Junko, but instead of whacking him he just pointed his staff towards Junko with a golden like object dangling at the edge.

Junko: Huh?
Wallop Messenger: This... Is yours

We all watched as Junko takes the object and looks at it, then looks up at the messenger.

Wallop Messenger: Sorry, I'm just the messenger [walks away]
Aerrow: Junko? What's going on?
Luna: That's what I'm wondering
Junko: [frown] I've... I've been summmonded back to Wallop. You don't get a summons unless it's something serious
Radarr: [whimpers]
Junko: I have to go
Luna: What?
Aerrow: If it's that important Junko, we're going to Terra Wallop with you
Junko: But what about the mission? Just go look for the doorway key without me
Aerrow: Sorry Junko, not a chance
Luna: Yeah, we can't let you go alone
Mags: They're right, Storm Hawks stick together
Piper: I can bring all the scrolls with us and keep looking, plus I'll be in touch with my boyfriend if he finds something in the Archive. As far as we know, Cyclonis still doesn't know anymore than we do
Luna: Plus, it would be an experience to see your home terra and your heritage
Junko: Well... Okay. But remember guys, Wallops don't trust outsiders. So if you're going to come with me, we have to keep a low profile
Finn: No problem. We're not going to do anything to embarrass you [pick his ears]
Mags: Yeah, I betcha Finn will do something stupid when we get there
Finn: [glares] Hey!!
Luna: I'll let my papa know that we're leaving

I left to tell my dad about us going to Terra Wallop that he decided to pray for us to return safely and unharmed, he even handed us some empanadas for our travel. We set course to Terra Wallop, and I was very curious as to what their heritage and culture is like since I know Mags, Aerrow, Radarr, and Piper got to go. When we arrived we stayed close to Junko and I was amazed by how tall the houses are, some even live in tent like homes. I had my hoodie up during this journey since Aerrow and Mags instructed me to, I didn't argue since I was in serious deep danger. The crowd only muttered which made us feel a bit unease by the stares and glaring.

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