chapter 1

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Vegas woke up to the familiar sounds of Bangkok's bustling streets filtering through the curtains of their suburban home. Stretching his arms, he glanced at the clock on the nightstand – 6:30 AM. Time to start another day.

Rolling out of bed, Vegas made his way downstairs to the kitchen, where Pete was already brewing coffee. "Morning," Pete greeted him with a smile, his eyes still heavy with sleep.

"Morning," Vegas replied, returning the smile as he poured himself a cup of coffee. The aroma filled the kitchen, a comforting ritual in their otherwise chaotic lives.

As they sat down for breakfast with their sons, Rain and Sky, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and affection. To an outsider, they appeared to be the picture-perfect family – loving, supportive, and content.

But beneath the façade of domestic bliss lay a carefully guarded secret. Vegas and Pete were not just ordinary husbands and fathers; they were also key players in Bangkok's underworld mafia. Their days were filled with clandestine meetings, shady deals, and constant vigilance, all hidden from their unsuspecting family.

As they exchanged banter over breakfast, Vegas couldn't shake the nagging feeling of guilt gnawing at him. Rain and Sky were growing up so fast, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of world they would inherit – one of prosperity and security, or one of danger and deceit.

Pushing aside his doubts, Vegas plastered on a smile, determined to cherish the moments of normalcy they shared as a family, however fleeting they may be. Little did he know, the delicate balance between their two worlds was about to be tested in ways they could never have imagined.

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