chapter 38

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As Rain's worry for Sky deepened, he reached for his phone and dialed the number of their fathers, Vegas and Pete. With each ring, his heart pounded with urgency, his thoughts consumed by concern for his brother.

"Hello?" Pete's voice answered on the other end, tinged with the faint sounds of activity in the background.

"Dad, it's Rain," he began, his voice catching in his throat. "It's Sky... he's in the hospital."

A hush fell over the line as Rain explained the situation, his words punctuated by the gravity of the moment. He could almost feel the weight of their fathers' worry through the phone, their concern mirroring his own.

"We'll be there right away," Vegas responded firmly, his voice filled with determination. "Just hold on, Rain. We'll get through this together."

With a sense of relief flooding his heart, Rain hung up the phone, knowing that Vegas and Pete would soon arrive to offer their support. And as he waited anxiously for their arrival, he found solace in the knowledge that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them as a family, united in love and determination.

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