chapter 23

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As the soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, Rain stirred from his slumber, the warmth of Phayu's embrace still lingering around him like a comforting cocoon. With a contented sigh, he slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the sight of Phayu sleeping peacefully beside him.

With a gentle touch, Rain brushed a stray lock of hair from Phayu's face, his heart swelling with affection at the sight of his boyfriend. As he carefully extricated himself from Phayu's embrace, a sense of determination washed over him, fueled by the desire to do something special for his family.

Quietly slipping out of bed, Rain made his way downstairs to the kitchen, his steps light and purposeful. With each passing moment, the familiar sights and sounds of the morning greeted him like an old friend, filling him with a sense of calm and contentment.

With practiced ease, Rain set to work, the rhythmic clatter of pots and pans filling the air as he prepared a delicious breakfast for his family. Lost in the simple joy of cooking, he lost track of time, his mind focused solely on the task at hand.

Unbeknownst to Rain, Phayu had been roused from his sleep by the sound of movement downstairs, curiosity piquing his interest. With a sense of intrigue, he made his way to the kitchen, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips at the sight of Rain standing at the stove.

Unable to resist the urge to surprise his boyfriend, Phayu quietly approached Rain from behind, his arms wrapping around him in a gentle back hug. In that moment of intimate connection, the world around them seemed to fade away, leaving behind only the warmth of their shared affection.

With a startled laugh, Rain turned to face Phayu, his heart soaring at the sight of his boyfriend's smiling face. In the quiet of the morning, they stood together, their hearts entwined in a silent dance of love and devotion.

And as they shared a tender kiss amidst the scent of sizzling bacon and freshly brewed coffee, Rain and Phayu knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, bound by the unbreakable bonds of love and understanding that had brought them to this moment of joy and serenity.

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