chapter 35

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With Sky's heart still pounding from the encounter with Gun, he retrieved his phone from Rain's car and took a moment to collect himself. The adrenaline from the race mingled with the lingering fear from the unexpected confrontation, creating a whirlwind of emotions within him.

As he rejoined the group at the starting line, Sky forced a smile, determined not to let his fears overshadow the excitement of the race. With each passing moment, the anticipation built, the roar of the engines drowning out the noise of his thoughts.

But as the race began and the bikes thundered down the track, Sky found it difficult to focus, his mind consumed with worry over the possibility of Gun's return. Every shadow seemed to hold the threat of his past, every sound echoing with the memories of pain and betrayal.

Despite his best efforts to push the thoughts aside, Sky couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at his insides. With each turn of the track, he felt the weight of his past bearing down on him, threatening to derail his concentration and sabotage his chances in the race.

But as the race reached its climax and the finish line loomed ahead, Sky made a decision. He would not let fear dictate his actions, nor allow the ghosts of his past to dictate his future. With a newfound determination burning in his heart, he pushed himself to the limit, his eyes fixed on the prize that awaited him at the end of the track.

As he crossed the finish line, the cheers of the crowd washed over him like a wave, drowning out the doubts and fears that had plagued him throughout the race. In that moment of victory, Sky felt a sense of liberation wash over him, a reminder that he was stronger than the demons that sought to hold him back.

With a smile of triumph, Sky turned to face the future, ready to leave his past behind him once and for all. And as he basked in the glow of his hard-earned victory, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them with courage, resilience, and the unwavering support of his loved ones by his side.

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