chapter 2

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The afternoon sun beat down on Bangkok as Rain and Sky lounged in the backyard, seeking refuge from the stifling heat under the shade of a sprawling mango tree. With school out for the day, boredom had quickly settled in, igniting the perfect breeding ground for sibling squabbles.

Rain, the older of the two, lay sprawled out on a patchwork quilt, engrossed in a book. His brows furrowed in concentration as he turned the pages, completely absorbed in his literary world.

Sky, on the other hand, paced back and forth restlessly, his energy seemingly boundless. "Rain, let's play soccer!" he exclaimed, kicking a stray pebble across the yard.

Rain glanced up from his book, unimpressed. "Not now, Sky. Can't you see I'm busy?" he replied, irritation creeping into his voice.

Sky's face fell, his disappointment palpable. "But you promised we'd play today!" he protested, his bottom lip trembling.

Rolling his eyes, Rain let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, but only for a little while," he relented, setting aside his book begrudgingly.

As they made their way to the makeshift soccer field in the corner of the yard, tensions simmered beneath the surface, waiting to erupt at the slightest provocation.

With each kick of the ball, their friendly game devolved into a heated competition, fueled by sibling rivalry and a relentless desire to prove superiority. Tempers flared, insults were exchanged, and before long, the once harmonious atmosphere dissolved into chaos.

Vegas and Pete watched from the kitchen window, their expressions a mixture of amusement and exasperation. Despite the constant bickering, they couldn't help but smile at the sight of their sons, bound together by an unbreakable bond forged in the fires of siblinghood.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows across the yard, Rain and Sky finally called a truce, their petty squabbles forgotten in the face of exhaustion. With arms draped around each other's shoulders, they made their way back to the house, united once again by the unspoken understanding that no matter what, they were family.

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