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You know why this place is so pleasurable? It's because I built it my self and I used the most expensive materials and mind you it's a sound proof however much you shout only me who can hear you.
Therefore boys just relax here as I take on my shower and after my bath you will tell me whatever I want to know okay.

With that I went to the bathroom and after few minutes I came back naked as I was born and covered them with a quilt as I sat opposite them with my legs wide open so that these guys can see and observe what they have just enjoyed and yet they can't even touch it.

What did we do to you? One guy asked.
You really don't know? I asked back
Actually I want to know who sent you to kill me? You know you are very good at sex and I really enjoyed you but you attacked the wrong girl. You have hurt a lot of people and this ends today and I have just given you the last pussy to enjoy on earth. You will think about it when you meet your ancestors but there is one thing I need from you
What? They asked at the same time
What else do you want from us? One guy asked
It's easy I need all the names of all those you have murdered all these years I need this on record. I said this as I was setting up my cameras and I worked completely naked because I didn't want to stain my pajamas.
No ma'am you got it wrong we are not killers. We never killed anyone and we didn't come here to kill you we only came here to enjoy sex that's all.
The thing you forgot is that I have your phones now and I have the best hackers in the world did you think I can fail to get what I need to know or do you thought I could have sex with you without doing a back ground check on you? Ha the person who sent you didn't know me better.

But anyway am going to kill you but I need a confession first you can shout but no one will hear you I told you already look around you what do you see? Nothing what you see is only furniture, walls and me you can't even tell me where you entered from when you came in. You can't feel your bodies you know why?
They looked at each other, its because am having your lives in my hands you can't escape here because I control this place and look you are like floating in air do you think anyone can hear you? Did you hear anything in the hallway when you came in? I asked tentative questions and they could answer so they started talking.

We participated in the murder and attempted murder of different princes and princesses around the world like in France,Spain, Dutch, England,Ghana, among others, we have killed business men and women and also politicians in the world, for example South Africa, German, France, Brazil, Portugal, Rwanda, America, Venezuela, Mexico among others. We don't care who to kill we don't ask why as long as we get paid, you pay first then we execute the job given to us. And please where my clothes are check in my left pocket I have a small book in there with all the list of the people we have killed and those we have to kill.
I sent a message to Bosco and confirmed it.
It's confirmed and thanks for your honesty so tell me why are you here and whom did you come to kill this time? I asked
We came here to kill two people, one the Democratic presidential candidate and miss Olivia Walker. On our way to the venue of the presidential candidate we were followed by the Germany assassin so we sent the package with our contact to proceed and we had to create a diversion and come here because the boss told us that she is always here but he didn't have her face so we had to pretend to get to her.

Thank you but again what's in the package?
It's a timer bomb it has to go off at exactly 2:30 this afternoon and is supposed to be placed under the podium and his vice-president has to remain un attached because he is our contact.
How did you know that he is your contact?
We also do a background check ma'am to the people we work with and all of our work details and jobs are in our office in France and for this work's details I have the details on my phone.

Miss Olivia ask them about their secret door of their office he asked because since the beginning I informed him and was listening to the conversation but I know him as boss but I have never meet him in person before.
The secret door in your office leeds to where you have kept the documents and tapes? I asked and they nodded
Then I need a password now.
PRKILL212B, he said
Sir have you got it? I sent a message to the boss and he replied pack with one word opened
Then your phone password, because I hacked it but I don't want to lose some data so give the password, my birthday he said
Bosco have you got that? I asked Bosco because he was in my ears all along since I started with this session and he knew these guys were under the influence of the drug I gave them and they had to say whatever I wanted.

Then the voice of my boss came in my ear saying it's done and many people are getting arrested now around the world and the Democratic vice president candidate has shoot himself as we speak and the boom is successfully dismantled you can now proceed to the next step you have the go ahead from the higher-ups.

But I want to know did you find Miss Olivia Walker? I asked
Not yet no one knows her , people down there even the employees doesn't know who Miss Olivia is , one replied
It's true she doesn't want people to know her because they will fear her which she doesn't want she wants to as a low profile as she has always been few of her trusted men know her but you are lucky you are going to meet her today before you cross to the other world.
Wait you are Miss Olivia Walker? Asked the quite one
What? no way it can't be, said the other.

I shut down the cameras and sat again infront of them as I picked up my gun and said yes I am Olivia T. Walker, am not only a great business woman but also an assassin and the best one but on top of that I love sex and being fucked and killing turns me on. So from here I will rest a bit and then find someone else to get fucked again. I laughed turned the cameras back on and with that I shoot them both with one shot each on the head and this job was done just like as the others and I called Bosco to come and clean up this mess and I wanted to rest now

For any advice because I need it find me on or for publications contact me on;
Facebook; Marville Van
Email; ttebajjukira@gmail.com
Instagram; van_marville

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