1. Arrival

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As I sit here on this flight, bound for India, I can't shake this unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach

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As I sit here on this flight, bound for India, I can't shake this unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's a sensation I haven't experienced since the days of my high school exams – a mixture of nerves and apprehension that seem to coil within me.

And it's no surprise really, considering the circumstances. After all, this is my first solo journey, a daunting prospect for someone who has always traveled alongside my mother.

It may sound strange coming from a twenty-six-year-old, but from childhood until now, my mother has been my constant companion in travel.

Yet, this time she departed ahead of me, leaving for India a month earlier to attend her nephew's wedding. My absence was unavoidable, as I had my final exams for my master's degree to contend with.

It's been years since I last visited India; my father and younger sister, who reside there, often made the journey to the US to visit us.

I can't help but wonder why my father was hesitant to have us visit India – perhaps he wanted to ensure I remained focused on my studies, especially since my sister wasn't as academically inclined.

As I pour out my thoughts into my diary, I find a sense of solace.

My diary has been my confidant, my sanctuary – a place where I can unload my worries, fears, and even my cringy romantic musings. It listens without judgment, offering comfort in times of distress.


Yuvraj Singh Rajput, the chairman of Rajput CO, a conglomerate that stands as one of India's largest empires. Founded by his great-grandmother, Maharani Vijaya Devi, the empire faced uncertainty following the death of Yuvraj's father.

Yet, it was his mother, Maharani Sita Devi, who steered the company through troubled waters, proving that women are just as capable as men in the realm of business.

Maharani Sita Devi's husband, Pushp Singh Rajput, tragically passed away when Yuvraj was merely 8 years old. At that time, his younger siblings, Pawan Singh Rajput, and their little sister, Rewati, were just 6 years old and 2 years old, respectively.

This untimely loss undoubtedly had a profound impact on the family, thrusting Yuvraj into a position of responsibility at a tender age and shaping his determination to support his mother and safeguard the family's legacy.

Yuvraj's determination to uphold his family's legacy began at a young age, spurred on by his desire to support his mother and ensure the empire's prosperity for generations to come.

His friendship with Ram Malhotra, now the owner of Malhotra Industries, remained steadfast throughout their college years and beyond. Despite differences in wealth and status, their bond endured, transcending societal barriers.

After college, Yuvraj and Ram remained friends as strong as ever, both marrying the loves of their lives.

Yuvraj tied the knot with Rina Raghuvanshi, the princess of Madhya Pradesh, in an arranged marriage that seemed to radiate the warmth of a lifelong romance, while Ram found his match in Mala Gupta, the daughter of the owner of Gupta CO, whom he met during his college days.

As fate would have it, both friends welcomed their first children into the world on the same day, the 20th of November. Yuvraj was blessed with a baby boy, while Ram celebrated the arrival of a beautiful baby girl.

What started as a jest between the two friends – Yuvraj suggesting they marry their children off when they grew up – soon turned into a serious proposition. Despite Ram not hailing from a royal background, Yuvraj had no qualms about the idea.

The result of this agreement was Rehan Singh Rajput and Alara Malhotra, who spent the first eight years of their lives as inseparable best friends. They shared meals, played together, and tackled schoolwork side by side, like any typical pair of childhood companions.

However, a somber moment arrived when Ram and his wife decided to send Alara abroad for her education. The goal was to equip her with the skills necessary to navigate the world of royalty comfortably.

Alara's mother accompanied her, leaving Ram to care for their younger daughter, Ishita, and oversee Malhotra Industries.

While Rehan and Alara initially felt the pangs of separation, they soon became immersed in their respective pursuits.

Alara pursued her studies, eventually earning a master's degree from Stanford University, while Rehan dedicated himself to preparing for his future role in managing the family empire.

Though Alara gradually faded from Rehan's daily life, she remained a constant presence in his thoughts. Even the antics of his best friend, Aman, failed to coax a smile from him, except when he glanced at his phone wallpaper – a picture of Alara that elicited a gentle, heartfelt smile.

To Rehan, she was his star, His Tara forever and ever, shining brightly in the distance, yet ever-present in his heart. He found solace in speaking to her, even if only through whispered conversations with the stars, as he awaited the day when their paths would cross once more.

**Back to the present**

As I scribble furiously in my diary, seeking refuge in the familiar words on its pages, I can't help but feel a sense of longing. The memories of my childhood friend, Rehan, resurface, mingling with the uncertainty of this journey. I write...

It's beneath the blue sky and by the deep ocean where I looked for you.

It's in the period after sunset and before sunrise when I looked for you.

I could never find you elsewhere until i discovered you within.

Oh! Happiness, It's been a long journey seeking you.

But now that you're here I will never let you go Never ever let you go.....


I found a love, for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
Oh, I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
With you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass
Listening to our favourite song
When you said you looked a mess
I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it
Darling, you look perfect tonight

So guys I finally wrote the first chapter and I am nervous just how alara is about how much you all will like this chapter.. it might seem lil boring but don't worry the whole book is left..Lots of love to you..

Till then, take care and




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