4. The little girl

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My phone buzzed incessantly, the screen lighting up with calls from his village land manager

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My phone buzzed incessantly, the screen lighting up with calls from his village land manager. Each call seemed to carry a sense of urgency, a pressing need for immediate attention. I could not ignore it any longer. The turmoil in my ancestral lands demanded his presence.

The roots of the conflict ran deep, tangled in a web of ancient vendettas and bitter feuds. 

It all stemmed from the day my grandfather passed away, leaving behind a vast expanse of land coveted by the Malhani family as they thought there was no man to control our land. They saw an opportunity to seize control, to claim what they believed was rightfully theirs.

But my grandmother, a woman of remarkable strength and unwavering determination, stood in their way. She fought tooth and nail to protect her family's legacy, striking fear into the hearts of those who dared to challenge her. Her kindness masked a fierce protectiveness, a willingness to do whatever it took to safeguard her loved ones.

I made up my mind that if it was some shitty act done by Malhani, one of them was surely going to hell today.

As I arrived in the village, the air crackled with tension. I could sense the simmering hostility, the palpable fear that gripped the land. 

And then I saw her – a young girl, lifeless and hanging from a tree, a grim reminder of the atrocities committed in the name of power and greed.

I stepped out of the car, a desperate farmer came to me begging for his daughter back.

 Learning the Suryas had exploited her and her family by first raping her and then hanging her with no clothes on this tree just to manipulate me, I felt the weight of injustice. Seeing the father's anguish, I confronted the perpetrators, seeking justice.

Yet, faced with their cruelty, I took decisive action. Eliminating the sinister Surya was more than vengeance; it was a stand against exploitation. 

In that moment, I recognized the need for reform, for a system that protects the vulnerable and upholds justice, ensuring that no one's dignity is sacrificed for greed or power.

Fury surged through me like a raging inferno, consuming him from within.

 With gritted teeth and clenched fists, I stormed towards the so-called Malhani estate, while my footsteps echoing with purpose. I found Surya Malhani, the perpetrator of the heinous crime, lounging arrogantly in the courtyard.

Without a moment's hesitation, I drew his weapon, the glint of steel reflecting his resolve.

 I showed no mercy as he unleashed his wrath upon the vile creature before him. Each blow was a symphony of vengeance, a reckoning for the innocent lives shattered by his cruelty.

I tortured him in ways that sent shivers down the spine of even the most hardened souls. 

I made him feel every ounce of pain, every ounce of suffering inflicted upon the innocent. And when he could bear it no longer, I delivered the final blow – a swift, decisive end to the monster that had haunted their village.

But my thirst for justice was far from quenched. With eyes blazing with righteous fury, I confronted Tej Pratap Malhani himself. 

I stood tall and unyielding, a beacon of defiance in the face of tyranny. With steely determination, I banished him from their lands, casting him out like the vermin he was.

As I made my way back to my car, the image of the girl haunted every step. Her lifeless body stared back at me, pleading for justice, for peace.

 And for the first time in years, a single tear escaped my eye, a silent testament to the pain that gnawed at my soul.

But this moment of reflection was shattered by the sudden buzz of my phone.

Unknown Number: Your Alara has been kidnapped. She is with me. If you want her meet me without any weapons and anyone at The Residents in an hour or see her dead in your arms.




My mind raced with questions, frantic and unyielding. 

Who orchestrated this? 

What had they done to my baby? 

What sinister motives lay behind their actions, and how did they know about my love for Alara?

 Only my brother and Aman were privy to that secret. 

But dwelling on these mysteries was a luxury I couldn't afford.

 Right now, my sole focus had to be on rescuing Tara.

 Every second counted as I hurried to The Residents.

 I had to save my world or this world would have to face its consequences. 

Amidst the chaos of my thoughts, one thing remained clear: Tara's safety was paramount, and I would stop at nothing to ensure it.

 Time was of the essence; I had to act swiftly before it was too late.


Hate to give the satisfaction, asking how you're doing now
How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about?
Just what you wanted
Look at you, cool guy, you got it
I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes
Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise
I loved you truly
Gotta laugh at the stupidity
'Cause I've made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine
I should've known it was strange
You only come out at night
I used to think I was smart
But you made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh
Bloodsucker, famefucker
Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire...




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