thirty-five. into the woods

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you really do like me

❝ you really do like me ❞

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☽ .* ・ 。゚

IN THE DARK ROOM, Katie worked under the red light developing the latest photographs she had. Being able to find the time to not use instant she did this between trips to not overload the film cartridges in her bag; even if she had the room to do so. Staring at the photographs the image slowly entered into the frame for her to squint at the background. The figure was barely noticeable, however, it caught her eye immediately upon recognition.

Searching the room for something to give her a closer look she managed to find a monocle straggling at the bottom of the bin. Katie laughed to herself, using it as a make-shift magnifying glass against the photograph. The figure appeared clearly for her laughter to subside and become pale with fear in remembrance. "Hart?"

Quickly turning at the sound of her name the fear subsided, having her question why it was there in the first place. The Doctor quickly recognized this, looking around the room concerned for her to raise a finger to stop him. "Don't sonic me, Mister Clever." Taking his hand out of his pocket to leave the object in there, he took her hand instead in attempt to get her out of the room. "I haven't finished?"

"You can do that later, we have places to be." Smiling at this she held onto him as he rushed them through the corridors and brightly lit console room to stop at the doors.

With his back turned to them he continued grinning which only raised Katie's suspicions on what was on the other side. "Are you going to have me guess?"

"You could never guess."

"Well that's rude, maybe I could." The Doctor gave her a look saying otherwise for her to shove him for it. Still, they remained smug as she folded her arms to stare him down. "What are you playing at?"

Puffing his chest with pride Katie tried not to laugh at his appearance as he continued to hang on the doors. "There are several wonders of the universe as I'm sure you know."

"This is true, your point?" Instead of responding to her the Doctor simply pushed the doors opening with a grin remaining on his face. Taking that as being enough Katie followed closely to step through and see what her friend was setting them up for this time.

Before them were a set of trees tall enough to touch the sky above them judging by their scale. From the canopy of leaves she was unable to make out the atmosphere other than through the gaps that lay. Katie turned around trying to get a view from every angle as her mouth hung open in awe of the view. From where the TARDIS hid itself they were on the outskirts of a trail, but not anything Earth judging from the look of the area.

A fog hung around them from the mist that brought on the height of trees making it hard for one to see in front of them in certain sectors of the forest. Still, the ground was scattered with fallen leaves from the trees along with the wild-flowers at their base. "Where are we?"

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