Chapter Thirteen

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Natalia bit down onto her nails nervously as she still stared daggers at Eugene who grew uncomfortable around the woman.

Carl was sat next to his aunt on the bench and he could feel frustration radiate off of her. Before Carl mustered the courage to ask what was bothering his aunt, Natalia got up to look for Daryl.

In the church, she couldn't find him and when she got out in the dark, Natalia called Daryl several times and got no response. Furrowing her brows as she asked everyone where Daryl was, Sasha pointed out that Bob was missing and she couldn't find him. They all noticed that Carol was also missing and the group grew worried. They'd never step out without informing anyone.

Daryl, Carol and Bob's disappearance did not go unnoticed. Sasha, Rick and Tyreese along with Natalia went looking for them but it was to no avail.

As the realization of Daryl being missing finally sunk in, Natalia felt herself panic. The thought of being apart from Daryl again frightened her. How misfortunate were the two lovers, Natalia thought, unfortunate events always came in between them.

Her mouth turned dry as a stoic look replaced her worried one. Natalia strode towards the church and open the doors with force as she was filled with anger.

Her sharp eyes landed on Gabriel and immediately, she remembered the horrid message carved in the back of the church; "You'll burn for this".

"What are you up to?" Natalia's voice was low and gruff— every step she took towards Gabriel, goosebumps erupted on his body violently as she accused him of a conspiracy.

"What?" Gabriel nervously answered.

"Where's Daryl? What did you do!?" Right behind Natalia were Rick, Tyreese and Sasha.

"You're hiding something—" Natalia erupted like a volcano; Tyreese had never seen Natalia whip her knife out so quick— he watched the woman, in bewilderment, place it tightly at Gabriel's throat, pushing it hard enough to knick his skin. "Where is he, tell me what you've done to Daryl?!"

Rick wrapped his arm around his sister's waist and lifted her away before she could slice through a shaking Gabriel. With Natalia aside, Rick gripped Gabriel from the collar and screamed at him, interrogating the man until Gabriel finally broke down, saying he was damned and that he always locked the doors.

Glenn noticed movement outside and looked out the window, telling everyone that there was someone outside on the grass.

While Gabriel was now on the floor wailing and weeping, Glenn, Sasha, Tyreese and Rick hurried outside the church.

Taking the opportunity to pounce on Gabriel, Michonne was quick on her feet as she grabbed Natalia and pulled her back.

"Nat! Don't!"

"If something happens to Daryl, I'll kill you myself!" Natalia bared her teeth at Gabriel as she struggled with Michonne.

Once Natalia gave up her struggle against Michonne, Natalia and Michonne turned around only to see Bob being carried in. Natalia took a closer look at Bob and gasped at the sight of his missing leg.


Bob had told the group that it was Gareth and his people that captured him and ate his leg; Natalia could feel the hairs on the back of her neck stand. She grew terrified that Daryl and Carol would meet the same fate as Bob but she quickly felt relieved after Bob told them that Daryl and Carol were no where near Gareth. Before Gareth could get them, Daryl and Carol had driven off. As Natalia wondered where Daryl and Carol could have gone to, Bob had shown the bite on his shoulder to Sasha and everyone else.

Right after his reveal, Gabriel offered the sofa in his office for Bob to lay on. Sasha thanked him kindly as Tyreese carried him to it.

Rick was set on finding Gareth and asked Gabriel for directions to the elementary school. Right after, Abraham told Rick that it was time to leave for DC. Affirmatively, Rick told Abraham that they were not going anywhere without Daryl and Carol— they were going to come back, Rick said.

A heated argument grew between Rick and Abraham about leaving and everyone stood and watched the two. Abraham told Rick that it was them who fixed the bus and had the right to it, but Rick told him that there was more of them.

Before it went physical between them, Glenn broke the fight between the two strong men. Glenn tried to convince Abraham that sticking together was a better idea than going out there now.

Tara had now interfered and promised Abraham that if they were to leave tomorrow, she'd go with them. Abraham added that he wanted Maggie and Glenn too. Rick immediately refused. Since Rick refused, Abraham said that he was going to leave and take the bus. Rick assertively refused again and Abraham challenged him to stop him.

Rick took in a deep breath, his nose flaring as his chest deflated in anger. Rick, not once, broke his stare. Balling his hands, Rick took threatening towards Abraham.

Before Rick could swing his fists at the bigger built man, Glenn broke the fight before it could start.

"You stay and help us, and we will go with you." Glenn said to Abraham who stared daggers at Rick who did the same.

Natalia and Maggie turned to each other, flabbergasted, at the quick decision.

"No." Rick hissed.

"It's not your call." Glenn confidently said to Rick

"You stay. You help us." Glenn turned back to Abraham.

"Half a day." Abraham nodded. "Come high noon, we're taillights. I'm not waiting for the other damn shoe to drop."

"And we will leave with you." Maggie had made the decision, just as quick as Glenn, to support her husband.

"Twelve hours." Abraham said to Glenn. "Then we go."


"Are you fucking insane?!" Rick, from afar, watched his sister scold Glenn after Abraham left. "You're going to go with someone we don't even know? What about us?"

"Stop it, Nat."

"No. Because this is insane— how you would follow them."

"Don't you see? This could be our one shot at finally saving humanity." Glenn said calmly to Natalia. "I want to be a part of it."

"Glenn, you are too smart to believe that that stupid, walking mullet is ever going to cure anything." Natalia shook her head in disbelief and scoffed at Glenn. Before she could fully explode at his rash decision, Natalia walked away, her shoulder smacking his in passing.

Natalia sat next to Carl, who had Judith in his arms, and began to bite down on her nails in irritation and frustration.

Minutes after, Rick gathered everyone to tell them his master plan that he thought of.

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