Chapter Twenty Two

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"Nat." Michonne said breathlessly at the sight of the bloodied woman.

Natalia opened the door and Michonnne could sense something different— Natalia's eyes were wide as she breathed deeply, her chest somewhat heaving. Blood covered her knuckles and her top while some blood were splattered on her face.

"That's not your blood, is it?" Michonne asked as she finally got up.

Natalia simply shook her head.

"What happened?"

"I saw a chance to escape. I took it." Michonne was immediately on her feet and wrapped her arm around the woman, bringing her in for a tight hug.

Even though the hug was unexpected, Natalia wrapped her arms around Michonne and hugged her tightly. Michonne, through the hug, could feel the woman slightly shaking under her hold.


"We have to go." Natalia broke the hug and held Michonne's hand. "We need to find everyone. I think Rick could be in the same building as us."

Before Natalia and Michonne could step out of Michonne's cell, two guards passed, heading towards Natalia's cell as they noticed blood spreading out of the cell.

"We need backup—" One of the guards said into his walkie talkie after opening Natalia's cell only to see Agatha's mutilated body.

Natalia and Michonne rushed behind the men as fast and as silent as they could— they pounced on the two guards and began to fight them violently in the hall.

Once Michonne and Natalia took down the guards, Michonne glanced at Agatha's corpse in Natalia's cell and was somewhat taken aback by how Natalia mutilated the woman. At first glance, it seemed as if Agatha was attacked by a wild animal.

Michonne could see rage was taken out on Agatha and it wasn't only about escaping the cell anymore. Michonne could sense that Natalia took out all her pent up anger on Agatha. With wide eyes bulging at her, Natalia ignored Michonne and continued on.

The two women searched and searched for Rick but they stumbled upon Merle and Glenn's cell.

"Oh my God." Glenn said in relief at the sight of them and immediately, the two men exited their cells.

"Never thought I'd say it's good to see you." Merle smirked at Michonne before he turned to Natalia. Merle's smirk softened at the sight of Natalia and patted her shoulder— unlike Michonne, Merle was unbothered by the blood on her.

"Did you make amends with Glenn while ya'll were stuck together?" Michonne asked Merle.

"Yeah, yeah, k-pop and I are fine."

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