Chapter Twenty Three

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Natalia and Merle, unbeknownst to Johnny and Daryl, pushed the two out of their cells after finding them.

After an announcement blared of Natalia's escape, the place was crawling with guards in search of her.

Daryl had thought that the guards dragging them out of their cell was to locate them some place else as a precaution.

As Natalia and Merle, in the black suits and headgears, dragged Daryl and Johnny, a guard was suspicious of them— the guard found Merle somewhat odd and funny; in passing, the guard knew how their drill was, they were to greet each other and Merle tried to hide his arm and the guard took notice of his odd hand. To avoid suspicion, Merle tried to put socks in the glove and wear it tightly around his stump. Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Before the guard could call out to his team on the walkie talkie, Merle pushed Johnny aside and rammed himself into the guard, knocking him several times into the wall. Merle managed to remove the guard's headgear, smacking him with it several times, leaving the guard unconscious.

Once they were somewhere safe, Natalia and Merle untied Johnny and Daryl.

Removing their headgears that covered their faces, Daryl and Johnny were relieved to see that it was Natalia and Merle.

Daryl grabbed Natalia for a tight hug and kissed her forehead and squished her nose with multiple kisses.

"You okay? Are you hurt?" Daryl asked Natalia as the woman smiled in awe.

"I'm your rescuer, y'know— I'm fine." Natalia said.

As Daryl and Merle's eyes locked, Merle had a sweet and crooked smile on his face.

"Hey, lil' brother." Merle said to Daryl.

Merle was taken aback by Daryl's hug and at the sight of them, Natalia had a soft smile on her chapped lips.

"C'mon now, save the hugs and kisses for your lady." Merle said humorously as he patted Daryl on the back.

"You okay?" While Merle and Daryl were relishing their reunion, Natalia turned to Johnny who placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm okay." Johnny told her. 


In her search for her brother, Daryl and Merle had managed to sneak about Althea's community. Merle and Daryl successfully freed everyone but Carl, Judith and Rick were still to be found.

Johnny and Natalia had separated from Daryl and Merle and as Natalia tried to find her brother, Rick found her first.

Michonne had managed to find Rick and helped him escape from Colman and his men that were many in numbers before they arrived to eliminate Rick Grimes.

Natalia embraced Rick tightly once she bumped into him with Michonne, Glenn and Johnny.

"Thank God." Natalia whispered to herself as she let go of Rick.

"Are you hurt?" Rick asked her.

"No." Natalia shook her head before continuing. "Have you found Carl and Judith?"

"No." Rick said. "We have to spread out and find them."

"Michonne, Glenn and Johnny— you three go together." Rick said, reclaiming his role as their leader. "Natalia, you come with me."

Immediately, everyone dispersed like they were told into Althea's maze of a place.

"What's the plan?" Natalia whispered to Rick as she followed behind him.

"We get Carl and Judith and go."

"What about Colman and Althea?"

"There's too many of them. We can't take 'em on."

Natalia was bothered by Rick's answer— after letting all their enemies go, it only meant more trouble for them as they always came back.

"You didn't mention Agatha." Rick raised a brow at Natalia as he turned back to look at her.

"She's dead."

Natalia replied bluntly, ending their conversation. As Natalia and Rick continued to search for Carl and Judith, Merle and Daryl were captured by Colman.

To be continued...

A/N: guys I'm so upset, what i wrote for this chapter got erased somehow and rewriting it, i'm not gonna lie, was a pain. Im sorry for the shitty and short chapter but PLEASE enjoy, the upcoming will be better!

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