Chapter Thirty One

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After coming back with the RV that was full of canned goods, and the car, everyone expressed their willingness to head to Aaron's community to Rick. Rick only found himself convinced to go after Carl and Michonne's spoken eagerness.

"Think it's going to be safe?" Carl asked his auntie as she stared into the distance, seeming to be far away.

"If it's not we're gonna turn back. Find somewhere else."

"I really hope we don't have to." Carl said with slumped shoulders.

"Me too, kid." Natalia placed a comforting hand on Carl's shoulder as her eyes drifted to Judith who he carried.

"If that asshole's lying, I'm gonna kick his ass so hard—" Natalia cut her sentence short as Carl's face gloomed at the mention of Aaron possibly lying.

"But you've been strong, Carl. I'm proud of you." Natalia quickly said, recovering some hope into the boy before Carl's thoughts could wander negatively.

Carl looked up to his aunt with a new gleam in his eyes before she continued with a crooked smirk.

"Without you, maybe I would've curled up and gave up out there."

"You'd never." Carl said truthfully. "Where do you think I get all my strength from? I watch you and how you fight."

"Carl Grimes, are you admitting that I inspire you?" It has been a while since Natalia teased her godson and Carl silently admitted to himself how much he missed it. No one possessed such spirit like his aunt, Carl thought.

"Stop." Carl rolled his eyes playfully.

"I mean— I am rather...a badass, no?" Carl watched his aunt search for the proper word to describe herself playfully as her crooked smirk still played on her lips.

"I regret saying anything." Natalia has bumped her shoulder into Carl's playfully and gently before the arrival of Rick.

"You ready?" Rick and Natalia both agreed to drive in separate vehicles; Natalia suggested driving the RV and following right behind him, and if there were any complications, Natalia would meet Rick at the water tower that Aaron directed them to head to.

Natalia nodded her head before Rick kissed the top of her head, telling her to keep herself safe along with everyone that was with her. Right after, Rick had kissed Judith's soft spot on the top of her head and hugged his son.

Everyone had gathered themselves into their respective vehicles and before Natalia could hop in the RV's driver's seat, Tyreese placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Let me drive." Tyreese said softly.

Natalia's eyes drifted to Sasha momentarily and in an instant, Tyreese read her mind.

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