Chapter Twenty Five

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


Natalia grew to forget that the enemies of the human race were the walkers as she began to believe that people were the real threat. Each enemy they faced, Natalia believed that they had to be taken out, or else they'd just come back again to haunt them. Natalia didn't want to get the risk of losing a loved one— what happened to Hershel could have been avoided if they'd eliminated the Governor. She was more concerned about their survival than anyone else— her family were more important, Natalia thought.

Each step she took to the dome was taken in diligence as she avoided the walkers that now penetrated the community; some of the walkers were even the guards that they had taken out.

A little creak emitted once Natalia opened the dome's door; stepping inside, the garden that Althea spent most of her time in was dark and it took a moment for Natalia's eyes to adjust as she looked around, searching for the fallen community's leader. Sweat dripped down Natalia's chin as she furthered into the garden, gripping onto her gun.

"You ruined everything that I've built." Natalia's gun swayed around everywhere she looked, wondering where the voice was coming from; Althea was hiding in the dark as she watched Natalia, a chainsaw in hand that was yet to roar alive.

"It was a mistake bringing you and your people here." Althea admitted loudly.

"You reap what you sow, bitch."

"Do you fucking know what it took to build this place?! What I had to sacrifice!" Althea screamed in anger and frustration— her voice booming and echoing, spreading across the dome.

"You can come out and tell me all about, Al. I got a bit of time to listen to your sob story!"

"I killed my baby boy to build this place." Althea's voice hitched as she whispered to herself, not loud enough for Natalia to hear.

Althea had went quiet and it made Natalia raise a questionable brow.

"Al? You still with me, Althea?" Natalia called out as she ventured around the dome.

"I'm right here, you piece of shit." Althea said behind Natalia as the chainsaw roared in Althea's grip.

Natalia whipped behind her, her eyes growing wide as Althea raised the chainsaw to strike her once and for all; but Natalia was quick enough to throw herself out of the way.

A safe space was between them as Natalia shot at Althea, but Natalia had missed. In that moment, Natalia knew she had to snatch away the chainsaw from Althea's grip anyway possible.

Althea chased Natalia around until Natalia gripped one of the chair's of the dining table, that Althea loved to sit at, and successfully smashed it on her back. Althea fell on impact as the chainsaw was flung to the ground, quickly losing its power— its loud roars were now put to sleep.

Forsythia - Daryl Dixon (BOOK TWO) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن