Feeling Cursed

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As night approached, Claw Noir fed on 3 rats while waiting for the mysterious superheroine to show up. Even if she did kick his ass last night, he is up for round 2. That if she has any tricks up her sleeve to weaken a vampire. He drains the last one out of blood, feeling stronger.

"Gross! That's disgusting!" Ladybug startled him in the alley.

"So you have arrived, Ladybug" He turns around.

"Rats? Really?" Ladybug cringed at that.

"Yeah, and no human" Claw Noir replied.

"Still mad that I kicked your ass last night?" Ladybug smirked.

"Oh, you have no idea how dangerous I might be when angry" Claw Noir said.

"With your pissed-off face like that, I would be angry like that too" Ladybug chuckled.

"So you're here to talk or to fight?" Claw Noir asked.

"Probably a bit of both. I don't trust badass men like you trying to seduce a woman" Ladybug said.

"Oh, really Miss Bug?" Claw Noir sneered at her.

"I do. Big bad boys always get on my nerves whenever they do something very ugly" Ladybug sneered back.

"Ooh, I faced a lot of ugly things than you" Claw Noir smirked.

"Oh yeah? Prove it for a rematch" Ladybug dared him.

"Hell no. I'm too fast, strong, and too undead" Claw Noir said.

"Scaredy cat. It's like you think it's too easy for you" Ladybug crossed her arms.

"Wanna bet at my full strength?" Claw Noir readies himself.

"What are you gonna do? Sink your fangs on my ass?" Ladybug spun her yo-yo.

"On your neck!" Claw Noir rushed at her.

"I'll break your teeth!" Ladybug dodged and jumped on his shoulders. She skips off and sweepkicks him off his feet.

"Agh! Now you're making me angry, milady!" Claw Noir morphed into a bat to dodge her attacks.

"Come back here!" Ladybug tried to get him.

He then let out an ultrasonic bat screech to blow her ears.

"AAAAGH!!!" Ladybug held for her ears.

He morphed back to normal and smirked at her, "Had enough? I can still do more than fight like a man"

"Goddamn it!" Ladybug managed to get the ringing out of her head, "You almost blew my hearing!"

"Aw, did that sting? Sorry," Claw Noir chuckled.

"Argh! You asshole! Why can't you admit that I still kicked your undead ass last night?!" Ladybug was very annoyed by his undefeated performance.

"Well, I kind of wanted a rematch" Claw Noir said.

"Hmph! Why do I bother to waste my time with a cat that has negative nine lives? It's like you really wanna claim my throne as the new superhero. You can't even walk in daylight" Ladybug scoffed and leaned against the wall.

"Actually, the truth is......agh! This is a complicated story" Claw Noir thinks that she won't believe him.

"Like what? Did someone bit you in the ass to become....this?" Ladybug scoffed.

"It's a curse!" Claw Noir finally admitted.

"Technically in movies, it's the same as being bitten to get cursed," Ladybug said.

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