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Hopefully by the time in maybe season 7 or 8 in the future, if Marinette and friends figure out that Cerise used to be Lila, they are gonna have to find a way to expose her again. Wigs and contacts have one weakness. Water. Wigs are fake hair and it gets ruined alot by water or brushing it too much. Contacts are easy because it is never to be used for swimming or underwater. It causes bad irritation in the person's eyes. Plus, they get ruined badly in water and it cannot be fixed or used.
I hope they can figure something out soon. Getting Cerise in disguise wet and soaked will be the answer to expose her deception once and for all. Marinette may have exposed her true nature but not her entire deception.


Adrien as Aiden told Sabrina to find a way to cause the sprinklers in the school to go off so it could soak Lila's wig for exposure to everyone to see her true deception. But they have to be unpredictable if Lila figures out what he's planning. He's known that she's persuasive and can always come up with lies to cover it up.

"We need to make it more practical Aiden" Sabrina said.

"Can you think of any accidental luck that has happened before?" Adrien asked.

"Chemistry class always has chemicals explode to cause smoke to trigger it," Sabrina said.

"Good idea. I hope you know more about chemistry because I don't" Adrien said.

"I do since Chloe forced me to do it for her," Sabrina said.

"Selfish brat. Why do you try so hard to earn her friendship when she treated you like a doormat?" Adrien scoffed.

"I thought one day she would change but after what she did to Marinette, I saw her true colors," Sabrina said.

"Let's hope it proves how foolish Chloe is to trust a liar because what Marinette told me, bad people always use Chloe as their pawns," Adrien said

"This plan better be foolproof" Sabrina replied.

"Oh, I have a plan but it has to be touchable on her," Adrien said.

"Her first class is Biology. You got one chance at this. If we fail, she'll see what we are up to" Sabrina said.

"Exactly," Adrien said.

"So don't get caught," Sabrina said.

"Got it. You can count on me and our friendly dark knight Claw Noir" Adrien said.

"That is if he can be stealthy in school," Sabrina said before heading to class.

"We'll see," Adrien said.

Of course. He did see Lila in disguise as always to fool everyone for decades like an illegal immigrant.

"Pathetic," He thought as he went inside the classroom.

He hypnotized the teacher to not get suspicious of Adrien's non-existent.

"Okay, class, we are gonna dissect a frog and I'm sure those who get nauseous, please ask me if you don't feel comfortable with this without excuses," The science teacher said.

Adrien didn't like this; this was never like his school but learning modern biology was a new start. He hesitated in dissecting the dead frog. It was too sickening to him and he spotted a lighter in one of the students' handbags. He needed a distraction and fast before Lila tried to come up with a lie to leave the class.

"Uhhh.....I think my stomach hit a nausea mode, doc" Adrien pretends to feel ill.

"You're excused," The teacher said.

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