Chapter 15

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Minji's POV

The first image I saw when I woke up was Hanni on top of me.

—Good morning, sunshine— I said, half asleep, rubbing my eyes with my hand.

—Sunshine, your cousin— she said a little angrily —I've been trying to get you to wake up for twenty minutes.

—Not a good morning kiss or anything? —I said jokingly. From the look on her face, she wasn't in the mood —Wow, what a bad mood the lady has in the mornings. Can you explain to me what you're doing on top of me and why I'm so wet? —That sounded worse than I expected— I mean, why am I full of water? —I quickly corrected— Or do you want me to start imagining things...

—You didn't wake up and I threw water on you, but you didn't listen to me, and I climbed on top of you— I got up with her still on top of me and sat down. We stood face to face, I put my hands on her waist.

—Have I ever told you that you look prettier without makeup? —I saw how she turned red—I'm serious, you're beautiful when you just woke up—I told her as a joke, to annoy her, but I really thought she was prettier with all that makeup she always puts on.

I usually wake up in a bad mood when they wake me up, and if any of my siblings did what Hanni did to me I would have killed them, but waking up and having the first opportunity to bother Pham presented itself was the closest thing to glory.

—So, you've been calling me for twenty minutes? —she agreed, getting off of me —You're so patient, my siblings and parents call me twice and they get tired— I said, laughing.

—Yes, twenty minutes. I could have killed you and you would still be sleeping.

Another chance to get back at me for bothering me last night, Pham.

—If you had woken me up like you did yesterday afternoon, with kisses and cuddles, maybe I would have woken up earlier. —Her face was perfect for framing.

— Oh really? —She swallowed.

I've been awake for about five minutes, and I've already made her nervous twice.

New personal best, good Minji.

— Yes, probably, yes. —I got up and locked myself in the bathroom.

When I came out of the bathroom I was already dressed and Hanni was on her knees on the bed looking out the window.

I approached her from behind.

— Pham! —I scared her. She turned around and punched me in the arm—Ouch!! You hurt me. —I said rubbing my sore arm.

—You scared me, idiot— she said, laughing. —Now get dressed and let's go have breakfast.

I got dressed in front of her, it was funny to see how she didn't know where to look when I was left in my underwear.

—Come on, love— she looked at me strangely. —Have you forgotten who we are?

— Oh yeah... Yes... I mean no... I haven't forgotten.

We went down to breakfast, when we finished Patrick told us that we didn't need to help in the mornings, we would just have to work at night, so we went to the living room where we were yesterday.

In the room were the same men from the day before. Hanni sat on the couch next to one of the men and she started watching the TV that was on and I started playing a Pac-Man machine that was there.

Soon I noticed someone resting their chin on my shoulder.

— What's wrong? —I said, throwing my head back without stopping to look at the machine.

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