iv. adrenalin (ii)

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CASS' STOMACH DID A BACKFLIP AS SHE and Marlene landed. It could have been classed as a battlefield from the looks of things. It was a small muggle village, or used to be. Half of the buildings had fallen in. Cass didn't even know why they were fighting, nor did she really have time to find out.

Marlene grabbed her hand and pulled her down behind a building.

"Listen to me Cass, they can't see it's you alright?" Marlene said, cupping her face. "Please, they can't see that it's you."

Cass put a charm on her hair to make it blonde. "That'll have to do Marls, we don't have time to dick about."

Marlene opened her mouth to stop her but Cass was already on her feet. She crouched low behind the buildings, looking for people she recognised. She saw Mulciber and hit the ground, covering her mouth with her hand to disguise the sound of her breathing.

She peeked back over the wall, and stunned him silently whilst his back was turned. Marlene was right behind her, cursing under her breath.

"Cass," Marlene hissed. "What are you trying to do here?"

"I'm trying to find my damn husband," Cass hissed back. "Are you here to help or not?"

Marlene huffed but followed her as she continued. Cass caught sight of the familiar red hair of the Prewett twins, who were ducked behind some scaffolding.

She carefully made her way over to them, and they both drew their wands at the sound of footsteps.

"It's just us," Marlene said quietly. "Ask us anything."

"Who's who?" Fabian asked.

"Well you're Fabian," Marlene said. "And you're Gideon."

"Cass? What're you doing here?" Gideon asked. "I thought you didn't do these anymore."

"Have you seen Noah?" Cass ignored the question.

Gideon frowned. "I thought he didn't come?"

"No, he came to help after James took Sirius back," Cass said. "Have you seen him?"

"No, we've been pretty occupied," Fabian laughed. "They're ruthless tonight."

"Fuck," Cass murmured. "I'm going to keep going."

"I think we know when to admit defeat," Gideon sighed. "We're going to head off."

Cass nodded, already walking away as Marlene bid them goodbye. The pop of apparation was a lot louder than she had anticipated, and she hit the floor hastily, her wand clutched in her hand.

Marlene pressed up against the wall beside her, exchanging a scared look. When no one came after a few minutes, they continued. They bumped into a few other Order members, who were taking a break to recharge, but no death eaters.

Cass peered over the wall and felt her stomach drop. She could see Avery, who looked to be bleeding rather badly, and a few other death eaters.

She covered her mouth to mask the sound as her breathing became more rapid. Marlene pulled her back down to the ground.

"He's not here," she whispered. "Let's just go back."

"No," Cass whispered back. "I'm not leaving without him."

"Cass, Avery is right there," Marlene said through gritted teeth. "Please."

"No," Cass said firmly. Marlene sighed.

Cass crouched up, trying to see what they were doing, and had to hold her breath as they blew up another building. Marlene pulled her down hastily as the death eaters did a circle.

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