v. dresses and dream jobs

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CASS WAS EXTREMELY JUMPY, flinching at every loud noise and practically shaking with fear whenever the front door opened. She wasn't sure what she was expecting, for Avery to just burst through the door? Overall, it was not the best situation to be in, especially when every one of your friends was in the Order of the Phoenix and had to disappear to meetings and missions and whatever else they did there.

Cass couldn't be alone, so when everyone buggered off to do order stuff, Cass had taken to spending her time with Euphemia and Fleamont or with Andromeda. If it was during the day, she tended to stop by the Tonks' and play with Nymphadora, before returning to the flat at the same time as Sirius and Noah (who had basically moved in). If it was in the evening (which it usually was), Cass sat and chatted with Euphemia and Fleamont, staying with them until James and Lily returned to Potter Manor.

September flashed by in a flurry of wedding planning and worries, Noah and Cass settling on the date October seventh. Alice and Frank has gotten engaged, but weren't going to get married until the following spring.

So, now, on the first day of October, Cass was paying Minnie a visit. It was a Saturday, meaning she wouldn't have classes, so she had invited Cass for their monthly catch up. Cass flooed directly into Minervas office. She jumped, looking up from her paperwork.

"Merlins beard Cassiopeia, you gave me a heart attack." Minnie laughed.

"Sorry Minnie." Cass smiled sheepishly as she dusted some soot off of her jeans. "You alright?"

"Oh, so so I suppose." Minnie said. "And how are you?"

"I'm okay, wedding stress is starting to kick in." Cass said, sitting down across from the professor. "There is of course the obvious issue in my life, but I'm trying not to think about it." Minervas lips thinned.

"Yes, I see. Would you like a cup of tea? Coffee?"

"A coffee would be great Minnie." Cass said. "I thought you'd be on order business, everyone else is." She tried to keep the irritation out of her voice.

"Yes, well I told Albus I had other things to do today." Minnie said, handing Cass a cup of coffee. "You are more important Cassiopeia."

"No one else seems to think so." Cass muttered, taking a large gulp of her coffee and scalding her throat. She coughed, sticking her tongue out to try and cool it down. Minerva frowned, passing Cass a glass of water.

"I'm sure you don't mean that." She said.

"All they care about is the stupid order Minnie, and I know it's not stupid, and that it's a good cause blah blah but they don't seem to understand that I don't want to join, or at least not yet. They don't get that if I even see Av— ...or any of them, then I won't be able to handle it. They don't get that literally a year ago I was spending two months of my life in literal hell.  I just want to be a normal fucking teenager and worry about getting a job, which I am so worried about anyway, and moving out, which I've already done, and just not be in the middle of a stupid war." Csss spoke very fast and did not pause for breath as she spewed her thoughts. Minervas eyebrows creased together with concern as she handed Cass a tissue for the tears that were threatening to spill.

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