Chapter 18: Zero Trust

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''Hatsune Miku!'' I pointed my index finger at Miku. ''Hatsune Miku!''

''Excuse me?'' Miku backed away as I pointed my finger at her. ''I-I'm not Miku-''

''Rapi, look! Hatsune Miku came to visit me in the hospital.''

''Hatsune Miku?'' Rapi looked over at Privaty, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes.


''... Rapi...'' Miku raised a finger.

''Hatsune Miku.'' Rapi pointed her finger at Privaty.

''You bitch...'' Miku cursed, turning to face the other way.

Can you guys even believe it? Hatsune Miku! The real deal! She came to visit me at the hospital!

But what's the reason for the sudden visit?

Am I perhaps dying, and so in turn they sent out one of my favorite people to greet me right before my impending doom?


''I'm not Miku.'' Miku cleared out.

Yeah, and I'm gay...



''Just sign my forehead, please.'' I gave her a pen and moved my hair away from my forehead, giving her a good spot to sign it.

''...'' Miku clenched the pen in her fist, eventually snapping it in half and covering her hand in ink. ''Blegh! Damn it!''

My pen...

Miku wouldn't do that to a fan...

Who's this imposter?

''You're not Miku...'' I narrowed my eyes at her.

''You realize that now!?'' The blue-haired girl tried her best to remove the ink from her hand, going over to the nearby sink, which was for some reason inside the hospital room, and washing her hands.

''Commander, she's the one who called for an ambulance.'' Rapi reminded.

Oh, it's this girl? Oh...

OH! I remember now! It's that girl back at the elevator!

How could I forget? I'm such a silly little goober.

''What was her name again?'' I asked Rapi.

''Her name is Privaty-''

''COME ON! GET IT OFF!'' Privaty violently washed her hands. ''UGH! I HATE THIS!''

''... And she is the leader of the Triangle Squad.'' Rapi finished.





''T-They are already coming!'' Exia screamed. ''There's no escape from them! No Nikke has ever managed to escape Triangle!''

''I-I see that!'' Privaty nodded. ''My name is Privaty. I'm the leader of Triangle. I know of your amnesia, Sir. So I do not expect you to know of me.''

She literally said that in front of me. I must've been lost in the moment to realize.

So, it's her, huh?

''Finally...'' Privaty muttered as she shook the water off of her hands, turning back to us. ''Now, where were we?''

''You were just leaving.'' Rapi answered.

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