~Chapter 2~

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•Self-Harm (pills+injections)
•Slight bullying.

As I walk into the school, dash by my side, walking down the hallways.

I had finally calmed down from earlier that morning. Quietly letting myself cry alone in a seat in the back of the bus.

Knowing that dash was in a higher grade than me, we said our goodbyes and split up.

As I walked toward my first class, a familiar voice calls my name.

"Jaxon, Come here!"

I turn around, seeing Aiden and maverick at a locker.

I smile, walking over to them, giving maverick a hug.

"Hey you guys." I say, my voice still a bit scratchy but not noticeable.

"Tired?" Maverick asks, noticing the way I act.

I nod.

"Somehow whenever my mood is off, he always seems to notice. I don't understand how he can tell.

But it makes me feel better knowing that someone is paying attention.

Maybe it means something deeper than that though?

Nah I'm not going to worry about it...

Or should i...?"

I continue to think to myself as we talk, processing that maybe there's more to this than what I'm thinking.

What am I missing though-?

As we make our way to our first class, I sit down, maverick beside me.

As class begins, I realize a few things.

Maverick would continue to look over at me and smile. Maybe he just enjoys my company?

Once I though more on it, I decided to ignore it.

As I continued onto more of my classes, talking with more of my friends, the day had started to come to an end.

The afternoon bell rang.

I grab my bag and head towards dash's classroom and waited for him.

One of his friend walk up to me, calling my name, pushing me around.

"Oh! It's Jaxon's little sister." One of the boys say.

One of the boys push me into a locker, punching me me harshly in the face.

I don't move.

I take each and every hit.

"Why don't I feel anything..?"

Out of nowhere, I watch as dash walks out of his classroom, holding his girlfriends hand.

"Please don't notice me... please..." I say to myself, being punched again and again.

That's when, dash notices me.

"Shit..." I say.

The look in dash's eyes remind me of dad, when he found out about moms addiction.

I watch as dash's hand lets go of his girlfriend's, and he walks over. His hands clutched into fists.

"Get off my sister, you bastard-!" Dash yells as he grabs the boy and pushes him to the ground.

I feel blood drip from my nose, droplets of my blood on the ground.

I look down.

"Why didn't I feel my nose bleed?"

"Why couldn't I feel any pain when my nose broke..?"

"Are the pills actually working...?"

I look at dash, who is staring at me in concern.

"Are yo-"

"Yeah." I cut him off.


"Come on. Let's just- get you cleaned up at home." Dash said.

"Do we have to go home..?" I ask him, picking up my bag.

"Yeah. I mean, we can go to the park so we don't have to immediately go home? But, We are going to get your injuries sorted." Dash says, starting to walk towards the front entrance.

I follow behind, quickly trying to keep up with him.

After going to the park for around  an hour, we started our way home.

I took a deep breath, standing in front of our home door, grabbing the doorknob, pulling it open.

I close my eyes, telling myself that everything is going to be okay.

"Why am I lying to myself dammit..."

I walk into our home, dash walking silently behind me, quickly making our way upstairs.

Dash goes to his room, I go to mine, closing the door behind me, setting my bag by my desk.

Around 15 minutes later, my ears get flooded with yelling from my mother and dash, arguing over and over again.

I walk into my bathroom, looking at myself. The blood on my nose has dried, my hands covered in my own dried blood.

I open up the drawer, trying to find a wash rag to clean up the blood.

Looking around the drawer, I see 4 syringes and a pill container.

I pull one of the syringes out and read the label.

"Midazolam injection."

I flick the syringe, letting the air bubble out of the needle.

I slowly press the injection to my arm, thinking if I should inject it or not.

I lock the door, and stick the needle into my arm, injecting the Midazolam into my bloodstream.

Around 10 minutes later, my body falls to the floor of the bathroom, still holding the injection in my hand.


~Stuck~ Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ