~Chapter 8~

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I take out my phone, texting Dash, turning my brightness down to the lowest setting possible.

Me : "Brother..."

Dash : "hm?"

Me : "help please..."

Dash : "why? What happened?"

Me : "it's mason. He is shooting up the school. I'm in an empty classroom and he's right outside the door."

Dash : "what floor."

Me : "1st floor..."

Dash : "okay, stay there. Call 911, I'm on my way."

Me : "okay..."

As I call 911, I hear commotion outside.

"Aiden's voice." I say quietly.

I get up from the hiding spot and walk towards the door, seeking through.

Trails of blood line the ground and the walls, smeared against the lockers.

"This is like a horror movie..." i say to myself, looking around.

I notice that the gun is still on the floor, but it's not in the same place that I left it.

I look around, seeing Aiden pinning mason to the locker, trying to convince him to stop.

"Mason! Snap out of it man! This isn't the right way to go!" Aiden yells, grabbing mason by the collar of his hoodie.

"Your hurting so many people-! I understand you pain but stop this!"

As I watch the scene, I see dash run down the stairs.

"SNAP OUT OF IT DAMMIT! YOUR BETTER THAN THIS!!" Aiden yells gripping masons shirt tighter.







My eyes water as I listen to Aiden's voice screaming at mason. I've never seen him like this before.

Dash stands in shock, watching the scene unfold like a book.

"You wouldn't understand." Mason says.

"Yes! I would! I've been in some shitty relationships! I understand!! Just stop so we can talk about this like actual peopl"-


Mason grabs a knife from his right pocket.

"AIDEN-!!" I scream, running towards Aiden and mason, sprinting as I've never done before.

I see Aiden look over at me, his eyes widened as he saw me running towards him.

As I forgot the gun was on the ground, I slip on it, tripping over and falling to the ground.

I look up.


I watch as the knife jabs into Aiden's skin, my hands shaking as I realize I can't help him...

I freeze in shock. Looking at my best friend, with a knife through his stomach...

"AIDEN-!!" I scream, pushing myself off the ground, running towards him.

My eyes fill with tears as I watch my best friend, the one person who's been there for me the most...



~Stuck~ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora