Chapter 12 🃝

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It was currently 11 Am the following morning. Thursday to be precise and the morning was off for a slow start.

You and your brother had stayed up late last night reading through the Email sent to each of you from UA about things you're going to need before the new term while trying to chill out for the first time in a good few weeks.

Ever since you had moved to Japan, you felt as if you were expected to keep on your toes all the time. Although it was expected after moving countries and settling down again while preparing yourself for the exam of a lifetime, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief now that it was all over.

For now at least.

What came after the summer, was what you needed to look out for. You had a weird feeling that some interesting things were about to kick off in your lifetime at UA.

Neither of you had got out of bed until about an hour ago until you received an email about needing to have hero costume designs submitted within the next week so they could have them ready for when you start school.

Of course you had already got initial designs down and possible ideas that would benefit you greatly in terms of support items. But the outfit you still want to be sure about. You were after something that showed off your quirk but also somewhat represented you as a person. Something cool looking and stylish.

I mean, the world kind of worked in your favour when you didnt come up with any ideas initially. Your parents were both fashion designers, your mum specifically already having a whole box full of outfit ideas for this very reason.

For once you were thankful for her everexcessive amount of clothing she made. It took you an hour or two but after sorting through all the ones you liked, you finally decided just to sketch out some designs and see what your mind could come up with.

Another fifteen or so minutes passed and you were still blankly glaring at the empty sketchbook lying open on your desk. You had got diverted and decided just to start scrolling through your phone, checking the latest hero gossip and calling Hado to talk about the exam.

When she found out you had gotten into class 1A, she practically screamed, earning a yell of disapproval from her co-workers who were still on their shift. You were planning to drop by later, walking round the city to try and find an ounce of inspiration for your hero costume.

So far you were severely lacking in any sort of artistic flair and needed an inspirational slap from the nearent person.

Conveniently that nearest person was your brother who, I'm sure, would be very happy to slap you across the face at any free change given.

You were currently on call with the bubbly blue haired girl who chatted away happily about how amazing UA is and some of the things you will probably end up doing during your first year.

The girl would be going into her last year this coming term while you would just be starting so she only had one year left until she was allowed to become a full fledged hero. That's assuming she gets her official Hero licence of course.

You could get your provisional licence during your second year and use your quirks for heroism within reason and under supervision, but until you had your own pro hero licence, you weren't allowed to do any major hero jobs.

"You know-" the blue haired girl started after finishing what she was talking about previously. Your phone sat on speakerphone beside you on your dressing table as you brushed your hair and styled it.

"You should come by my work place, I'm lonely and could do with the company. Maybe after I'm off, we could get something to eat and walk around the city?" she inquired, a slither of hope in her voice. You chuckled before agreeing.

𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 // 𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀Where stories live. Discover now