Chapter 14 🃁

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"Wait-! What do you mean 'quirk apprehension test'? Did we not already pass the tests?" The blond haired guy from back in the classroom spoke up as you stood in a small bunch out on one of the training grounds.

"Yeah, and what about the orientation?" Another girl spoke up.

The dark haired man sighed. "If you want to waste pointless time on meaningless assemblies, then go ahead, you can walk away now, I won't stop you." Aizawa announced with a bored look on his face.

Everyone went silent as he glared. "Now, I assume everyone here has been taking tests during school years every six months or so. It was a requirement so you should have done them." he started, addressing everyone. "Bakugo." he said, turning to face you and your brother.

"What was your furthest throw in your previous high school with a tennis ball?" he questioned, his eyes flicking between you and Katsuki. You assumed he wanted both of you to answer by the way he was directing the question at both of you.

"67 I think." Katsuki stated simply before Aizawa focused on you with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know," you started awkwardly, picking at your fingers. "I wasn't actually allowed to do physical activities at school." you admitted.

Right, yes, you weren't allowed to do anything that could risk the chance of you sweating too much or overheating. Apparently it was 'a danger to everyone around you.' as the teacher would have put it every time you asked.

So that meant, you had never once been allowed to do PE throughout your school years and you wouldn't be surprised if you still weren't going to be allowed now.

Aizawa studied you for a moment before throwing you the tennis ball. You fumbled with it before finally catching it, looking around with slightly widened eyes. "I don't care what you were and weren't allowed to do before, here we are supposed to train you to use your quirks, so use it." he stated firmly.

You eyed the space in front of you as you slowly crept forwards after being pushed slightly by your brother who was sniggerning behind you. You stood inside the white circle, the rest of the class was overlooking curiously. "First try throwing it without your quirk." Aizawa instructed as he motioned towards the ball, walking back a few metres.

You looked around for a few seconds, trying to ignore the stare of everyone's eyes on your form, watching your every move. "Anytime now Bakugo." Aizawas' voice rang out from behind you.

'Right..' You reeled your arm back and threw it as far as you could.

"64 metres" he stated boredly, holding up the little device that showed the distance.

You gulped. 'Not as far as Katsuki's but still pretty far.' you deadpanned internally as you walked out the circle heading back towards the rest of the group.

"And where might you be going?" Aizawa called out as you turned around quickly, a slightly startled expression on your face.

"I thought I was-" you started before being cut off.

"You thought wrong, stand back in the circle." He cut you off as you scampered back over to the circle.

"Here, now try throwing the ball with your quirk," he added on as he passed you another tennis ball, this one feeling heavier than the last.

"Uh, I don't think that's such a good idea," you muttered as you looked from the ball that was now sitting in your palm and back to him a few times in panic.

"Why's that?" he questioned as he raised an eyebrow tiredly.

"I'll probably melt it," you admitted as you felt the stress of the situation weigh heavily on you.

𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 // 𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀Where stories live. Discover now