Chapter 13 🃞

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It had been an hour or two since you arrived home and the night was starting to draw in, any hope of you getting any designs down for a hero suit going out the window.

A light, almost hesitant knock on your currently closed door, perpetrated your ear drums, notifying you of someone's presence.

Begrudgingly, you rolled on to your side, swinging your legs off your bed, using them as leverage to hoist you to your feet.

When the knocking came a second time, more inpatient now, you huffed in annoyance, now knowing exactly who it was just by the shere impatience they seemed to possess.

"Come in Katsuki," you announced, making your way over to your desk, plopping yourself down in your spinny chair and glaring at yourself in the mirror in a somewhat judgemental way.

'Goddamn it Y/n, is it possible to go a day without getting yourself into some sort of socially awkward predicament,' your inner dialogue word bashed you as your door was pushed open, Katsuki now walking in.

"Where were you dumbass?" he questioned, obvious irritation littered across his face as he closed the door with a loud slam.

You raised your eyebrows at him through the mirror, sending an even more judgemental look than you were giving yourself.

"I don't know what you mean," you admitted over your shoulder, seeming to feed his irritation as his fist clenched and then unclenched a few times. This didn't go unnoticed by you as you flopped your head down into your palm lazily, observing the situation at hand.

"Come on dumbass, don't play coy with me." He chuckled darkly, propping his body up against the door menacingly, his ruby-red eyes daring you to make eye contact with his own.

"Alright calm dow," you reasoned, actually now turning your body round in sheer fear of what he was angry about. "I was out with Hado and her friends, I didn't think me having a social life was such a big deal to you 'Mr independent,'" you teased, trying to lighten the mood for your own sanity more than his.

His eyes continued to stare you down, the glare never once going away for even a split second before you broke your gaze, caving first. 'Damn.' You cursed yourself internally, a displeasing look adorning your features as a small smirk crossed your brothers, his hands coming out of his pockets as he started walking over to your desk and peering at your scribbled out notes.

"You had all day, and you came up with only this?" he questioned, almost sounding amused.

"Shut up, like you could do any better," you spat back, closing the book shut harshly and moving it out of his line of sight.

The egocentric smirk on his face confirmed he was pleased by your angered expression as he snatched something out of his hoodie, placing it down in the space your notebook previously was.

A very detailed sketch of a hero costume for himself was drawn on the piece of paper and by god did it look good.

The design consisted of a v-neck sleeveless and skintight top with a bright orange 'X' on the front of it, accompanied by black cargo pants being held up by a dark green belt with small harness attaching to the lower half of each thigh area.

The boots he had come up with reached halfway up his calf, black, with the same colour orange soles. On the side there were drawings of a black mask that covered his eye area and explosion looking things that were supposed to protrude out the back of his head on each side.

All in all, the design was flawless. Way better than anything you could have come up with.

The smugness radiated off him as he pulled out another piece of paper from his pocket, placing it down next to the other one. "That's not everything." He gloated, looking down at the other drawings.

𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 // 𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀Where stories live. Discover now