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:The Masked Thief:

The next day, in the mansion.....
All the security systems are changed with a whole new stuff and twice as the before. The Red Diamond is placed right at the center of a big hall and long white strands of twenty centimeter cloth is hanging all over the place with almost 50 guards were standing hidden between the strands to catch the MASKED THIEF.

Rudra:50 drums of sulphuric acid won't be enough for the rascal piece. Make it hundred.
Aarav:But Boss, that tiny boy, he will die before even a full drum is poured on him.
Rudra: Then I will pour the rest of the glasses on his dead body.
Aarav: But what if turns out to be a girl..??
Rudra(with a small sarcastic laugh): Girls can't even look at my eyes with their fearful sight and u expect a "Girl" to show this much courage..??It's even hard for me to believe that even a boy dared to be brave in my kingdom. Now go and make the arrangements.

Aarav quickly left without any word...

:Time Skpis:

It's 11'o clock at night and The Masked Thief is ready to steal the Red Diamond from the Mehrotra Mansion.
Reeva says, "Let's go...I'm ready"
The thief's eyes doubles hearing her. Before she could protest, Reeva again spoke up, "Being a friend if I can make you a thief then I can also help you to steal. I know it's dangerous and I'm not strong enough to fight like you, but trust me.. I want to help you!! "

"He" understand her emotions and covered her face too with a scarf gesturing her positive response.

The next moment, Reeva along with the Masked Thief stands before the mansion. The Thief senses something suspicious seeing the secret exit completely free of guards whereas Reeva shouts in excitement, "What a heavenly luck!!"
The Masked Thief quickly presses his hands on her mouth oppressing her shout. Then he steps back with her and notices the thick rope which was lying on the ground completely stretched. He took a good distance and pressed the rope with a stick. As soon as she presses it, a thick fishnet falls down.
Reeva's eyes freezes at the sight of it. Both of them passes a glance at each other.
"Escaped our first trap". Reeva huffs. They carefully enter the mansion. Standing on the threshold The Masked Thief's legs freeze as his eyes roll upon the mansion as if he is recalling something. Reeva notices the fact and keeps her hand on his shoulder bringing him back to his senses. He quickly hands her a chloroform spray and she understands what to do with it. He gestures her to search for the Diamond to right and he will go to the left. Thus, they got separated.

After some times, The Masked Thief finally reaches the hall and doubts that the Red Diamond must be here. She opens the door and stood there numb with a little moist in her eyes as some words flashes in her eyes with some scenario in front of her eyes..
"Hail!! Princess Jasmine...Hail King Jaiveer..!!"
She regains her senses and witness the unusual scenario of the white hangings. Having a doubt she quickly hid herself behind the pillars and checked thoroughly the situation and there she find out the guards hiding between the hangings.
She sighed and raised an eyebrow...took out the chloroform spray and attacked the guards from the behind very silently without giving a smallest hint to the other ones.
Cunningly and carefully he sprayed it in front of the eyes of the guards making them senseless and that too with pin drop silence. For some of them he just hit the spray bottle on their necks to make her activity faster. Though, it took almost an hour an hour, but then she finally found her target....The Red Diamond.

The Red Diamond

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