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                             :First Kiss:

"Are you underestimating me, Miss??" Rudra questioned raising a brow.

Vinnie nods and forces a smile mockingly.
Rudra sighs and looks at the window which was really small for him to climb out.
"Mafia Monster, Rudraksh Mehrotra, who's capable of breaking the entire walls of the room by his men within a minute if he wants, is now struggling to go out by a fucking window just to prove himself reliable in front of her. What to do next??" Rudra muttered rubbing his nape.

Vinnie calls him by his shoulders with a sarcastic smile and breaks his chain of thoughts. He looks back at her.
"Excuse me..Mr. Ridiculous. We don't have the entire day to wait here. So I would be grateful if you kindly do a bit hurry."
She said pointing her hand towards the window.
Rudra smiled awkwardly and she rolled her eyes from him.
Reeva did nothing just stood there folding her hands over her chest and enjoying there bickering with a smile on her face.

Rudra moved closer to the window but but again stepped back and came closer to Vinnie.
"Miss Thief,... What if you loose??" He asked with a shine in his eyes.
Vinnie was taken aback by his sudden demand. She looked back and forth into his eyes as her eyes seem to portray nervousness and a tint of pink adorned her cheeks.
They didn't realise when they were standing so close to each other that their hot breaths aired on their faces.
Reeva smiled widely looking at them but didn't trouble the moment.


"Why do his eyes seem to known to me?? Why does it feel as if I was missing his presence?? His curly hair, his brown-black orbs, his scent, his voice.... No, how is it possible?? I didn't meet him before!! No, I don't know him. He is no one to me!!"

She backed away from him shrugging her thoughts away.
Rudra too broke the eye contact and rubbed his nape looking at the ground. His face turned fully red.

Vinnie's eyes fell upon him and the blush on his face made her mad.
"What is this??". She said circling her index finger before his face.

"What is what??". Rudra asked back smiling.
Vinnie widened her eyes.
"You!! You're blushing!!!???". Vinnie raised her voice. Rudra looked down pressing his lips upon each other trying to press his smile within herself.
This made her even more mad.
Hey dude, Stop!!"
Stop it!! Stop it I said!!!"
"Stop smiling,... Stop blushing!!! Stop it!!!". She commanded him. But he failed to stop his smile.
"Why are you blushing???? Stop it I said!!". She again scolded and this time he successfully stopped his smile.

"Now go!!" She spat at him.
He started moving towards the window but again backed to Vinnie.
"You didn't answer my question. What if you loose your challenge??"
Vinnie fixed her eyes at him.
"I never loose." Her tone contained confidence and courage.
"And I always win." Rudra said almost immediately.

"It's good only. If he looses, then I will ask my phone back." Vinnie muttered in mind and smiled internally.

She took a deep breath.
"Fine, if I win, then you will do whatever I say. And, if you win then I'll not do whatever you say." She completed in one breath thinking he'll not understand the twists of her tongue.

"Okay, so if I say... DO NOT kiss me, Miss Thief! Then, you'll kiss me, right??" He playfully asked darkening his gaze at her.
She became completely astonished.

"No one ever had been able to understand my game of words but he..."
She broke her thoughts and cleared her throat.
"First you win, then we'll see." She folded her hands on her chest.

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